HARRY POTTER ANDTHE CHAMBER OF SECRETSscreenplay by STEVEN KLOVES based on the novel by J.K. ROWLING FADE IN: 1 EXT. PRIVET DRIVE - DAY 1 WIDE HELICOPTER SHOT. Privet Drive. CAMERA CRANES DOWN, DOWN, OVER the rooftops, FINDS the SECOND FLOOR WINDOW of NUMBER 4. HARRY POTTER sits in the window. 2 OMITTED 2 3 INT. HARRY'S BEDROOM - DAY 3 Harry pages through a SCRAPBOOK, stops on a MOVING PHOTO of Ron and Hermione. SQUAWK! Harry jumps. HEDWIG pecks at the LOCK slung through her cage door, then glowers at Harry. HARRY I can't, Hedwig. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school. Besides, if Uncle Vernon -- At the sound of the name, HEDWIG SQUAWKS again, LOUDER. UNCLE VERNON (O.S.) Har-ry Pot-ter! HARRY Now you've done it. 4 INT. KITCHEN - DAY 4 While AUNT PETUNIA puts the finishing touches to a PUDDING of WHIPPED CREAM and SUGARED VIOLETS, UNCLE VERNON struggles with DUDLEY'S BOW TIE, all the while glowering at Harry. UNCLE VERNON I warned you. If you can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go. HARRY She's bored. If I could just let her out for an hour or two -- UNCLE VERNON And have you sending secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 2. 4 CONTINUED: 4 HARRY But I haven't gotten any messages. From any of my friends. Not one. All summer. DUDLEY Who'd want to be friends with you? UNCLE VERNON I should think you'd be more grateful. We raise you since you were a baby, give you food off our table, even let you have Dudley's second bedroom... purely out of the goodness of our hearts. DUDLEY I thought he got the second bedroom because Mum was afraid he'd turn us into dung beetles if you put him back in the cupboard under the stairs. AUNT PETUNIA stops cold, exchanges a dark look with Uncle Vernon, then sees Dudley extending a finger for the pudding. AUNT PETUNIA Not yet, popkin. That's for when the Masons arrive. UNCLE VERNON Which should be any moment. Now. Let's run through our schedule one more time. Petunia, when the Masons get here, you will be -- AUNT PETUNIA In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home. UNCLE VERNON Good. And Dudley? DUDLEY I'll be waiting to open the door. UNCLE VERNON Excellent. (turning on Harry) And you? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 5/14/02 3. 4 CONTINUED: (2) 4 HARRY I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I don't exist. UNCLE VERNON Too right you will. With any luck, this could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career. DOORBELL RINGS. Instantly, Uncle Vernon shoves Harry out of the kitchen and into the hallway. UNCLE VERNON Upstairs! Hurry! 5 OMITTED 5 6 INT. HARRY'S BEDROOM - DAY 6 Harry enters, turns, and stops dead: a tiny CREATURE with bat-like ears and bulging green eyes is jumping on his bed as if it were a trampoline. This is DOBBY. DOBBY Harry Potter! Such an honor it is! (CONTINUED) 4. 6 CONTINUED: 6 HARRY What... Who are you? DOBBY Dobby, sir. Dobby the house elf. HARRY I see. Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom. DOBBY Oh, yes, sir, Dobby understands. It's just that, Dobby has come to tell you... it is difficult, sir... Dobby wonders where to begin. HARRY Why don't you sit down? DOBBY S-s-sit down? Suddenly Dobby BURSTS INTO TEARS. LOUD TEARS. Harry panics. HARRY Shhhh! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or anything -- DOBBY Offend Dobby! Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal... HARRY You can't have met many decent wizards then. Dobby shakes his head, then without warning, LEAPS off the bed and starts to BANG HIS HEAD FURIOUSLY ON THE FLOOR. DOBBY Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! 7 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY 7 Uncle Vernon pours champagne for MR. and MRS. MASON. As Dobby's HEAD BANGING sounds from above, all eyes shift to the ceiling. Uncle Vernon chuckles nervously. (CONTINUED) 5. 7 CONTINUED: 7 UNCLE VERNON Don't mind that. It's just the... cat. DUDLEY Cat? What cat? UNCLE VERNON Our cat, tiger. 8 INT. HARRY'S BEDROOM - DAY 8 Dobby gets back to his feet, wobbling, eyes spinning dizzily. Harry regards him with a mixture of concern... and wariness. HARRY Are you... all right? DOBBY Dobby had to punish himself, sir. Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, sir. HARRY Your... family? DOBBY The wizard family Dobby serves, sir. Dobby is bound to serve one family forever. If they ever knew Dobby was here... Dobby shudders in fear, then looks up, WHISPERS urgently. DOBBY But Dobby had to come. Dobby has to protect Harry Potter. To warn him. (in a fierce whisper) Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year. HARRY Not go back? But... I have to. DOBBY This is a plot. A plot to make most terrible things happen. If Harry Potter goes back to school he will be in great danger. (CONTINUED) 6. 8 CONTINUED: 8 HARRY What terrible things? Who's plotting them? Dobby makes a funny CHOKING and GAGGING noise. HARRY Okay! I understand. You can't say -- Too late. Dobby grabs the bedside lamp and starts beating himself about the head and YELPING LOUDLY. 9 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY 9 Uncle Vernon is in the midst of telling a joke. UNCLE VERNON They arrive at the ninth hole and -- DOBBY'S YELPS INTERRUPT, ringing out from above. MR. MASON Sounds as if that cat of yours has dragged something in with it, Dursley. UNCLE VERNON Not to worry. I'll sort it out. 10 INT. HARRY'S BEDROOM - DAY 10 Harry wrestles the lamp away from Dobby. HARRY Stop! Stop! FOOTSTEPS THUNDER on the landing. Quickly, Harry grabs Dobby by the pillowcase and pitches him into the wardrobe... just as the door FLINGS OPEN. UNCLE VERNON What the devil are you doing up here! You've just ruined the punch line of my Japanese golfer joke. One more sound and you'll wish you'd never been born, boy! He stomps flat-footed from the room and SLAMS THE DOOR. Harry lets Dobby out of the wardrobe. (CONTINUED) 7. 10 CONTINUED: 10 HARRY See why I've got to go back? I don't belong here. I belong in your world -- at Hogwarts. It's the only place I've got... friends. DOBBY Friends who don't even write to Harry Potter? HARRY Well, I expect they've been -- hang on, how do you know my friends haven't been writing me? Guiltily, Dobby takes out a STACK of LETTERS. DOBBY Harry Potter mustn't be angry with Dobby -- Dobby hoped if Harry Potter thought his friends had forgotten him... Harry Potter might not want to go back to school, sir... HARRY Give me those. Now. Dobby frowns sadly, then DASHES out the door. Panicking... 11 INT. HALLWAY/STAIRS/KITCHEN - DAY 11 ... Harry flies desperately after, Dobby bouncing like a ping-pong ball down the stairs and into the kitchen. As Harry races in, he finds Dobby on the counter, waving his arms. Aunt Petunia's masterpiece of a pudding RISES, then floats into the living room, HOVERING over the Mason's heads. The Masons don't see, but the Dursleys -- goggle-eyed--do. HARRY Dobby... Please... No... DOBBY Harry Potter must say he's not going back to school. HARRY I can't. Hogwarts is my home. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/9/02 8. 11 CONTINUED: 11 DOBBY (a tragic expression) Then Dobby must do it, sir. For Harry Potter's own good. Dobby SNAPS HIS FINGERS. The pudding PLUMMETS... straight onto the Masons. They stand blinking, covered head to foot with whipped cream and sugared violets. The Masons exit. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia race after them. UNCLE VERNON I'm sorry. It's our nephew. Very disturbed. Meeting strangers upsets him, so we kept him upstairs... 11A EXT. DURSLEY HOUSE - DAY 11A The Masons RACE out of the house, the Dursleys FOLLOWING. AUNT PETUNIA We have ice cream... The Masons get into their car and drive off, just as a SHRIEKING SOUND splits the sky. An OWL SWOOPS down, and DROPS a LETTER at Uncle Vernon's feet. He picks up the letter, opens it. As he reads it, a mad gleam dances in Uncle Vernon's eye. He turns and races back inside the house. Aunt Petunia follows. 11B INT. DURSLEY HOUSE - NIGHT 11B Uncle Vernon runs back into the living room, extends the letter to Harry. UNCLE VERNON Go on. Read it. HARRY 'Dear Mr. Potter. We have received intelligence that a Hover Charm was used at your place of residence at twelve minutes past seven this evening. As you know, underage wizards...' UNCLE VERNON '... are not permitted to perform spells outside school.' (MORE) (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/9/02 8A. 11B CONTINUED: 11B UNCLE VERNON (CONT'D) (snatching the letter) You didn't tell us you weren't Allowed to use magic at home. Slipped your mind, didn't it? (MORE) (CONTINUED) 9. 11B CONTINUED: (2) 11B UNCLE VERNON (CONT'D) Well, I've got news for you, boy. I'm locking you up! And if you try to magic yourself out, they'll expel you! You're never going back to that school! Never! 12 EXT./INT. HARRY'S BEDROOM - NEXT DAY 12 A SHORT MONTAGE BEGINS: Uncle Vernon fits IRON BARS to the inside of Harry's window. Drills a METAL FLAP to the base of the bedroom door. Fits a FAT, GREY LOCK to the door itself. Soaking with sweat, he casts Harry a nasty grin and pulls shut the DOOR. It closes with the DULL CLANK of a cell. 13 INT. HARRY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT 13 Harry stares gloomily out the window. The METAL FLAP RATTLES and Dudley's pudgy hand slides a BOWL of TINNED SOUP onto the floor. He grins cruelly through the opening. DUDLEY I know what day it is. HARRY Well done, Dudley. Finally learned the days of the week, have you. DUDLEY Today's your birthday. And nobody cares. Dudley SNAPS SHUT the flap. Harry sighs, takes the soup and a bit of stale bread, and crosses to Hedwig. HARRY It's no good turning your beak up. It's all we've got. Harry feeds a piece of bread to Hedwig... as we... DISSOLVE TO: (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 10. 13 CONTINUED: 13 SAME SCENE - LATER Harry leans against the wall. Asleep. There is a gentle TAPPING SOUND. Harry opens his eyes and is stunned to see... RON WEASLEY staring through the bedroom window. HARRY Ron? RON Hiya, Harry. 13A EXT. DURSLEY HOUSE - NIGHT 13A An OLD, TURQUOISE-COLORED FORD ANGLIA floats in midair. Ron leans out the back window. His brother FRED sits in the driver's seat. Fred's twin George is in the passenger seat. HARRY Fred? George? What're you doing here? RON Rescuing you, of course. Where's your trunk? 13B CLOSEUP - HARRY'S TRUNK 13B Stuffed with clothes, spellbooks. The trunk CLOSES, SNAPS SHUT. Harry drags the trunk to the windowsill, watches Ron tie off a fierce knot on the bars of Harry's window. RON Stand back. Harry steps back. Ron turns, nods to Fred. 13C INSERT - FRED'S FOOT 13C Fred STEPS ON the accelerator. 13D EXT. DURSLEY HOUSE - NIGHT 13D The Ford Anglia FLIES UP into the air, the rope SNAPS TIGHT, and -- CRUNCH! -- the bars are TORN from the window. Bricks and bars RAIN DOWN onto the lawn below, a mangled mess. 13E INT. UNCLE VERNON'S BEDROOM - NIGHT 13E Uncle Vernon WAKES... 11. 14 OMITTED 14 thru thru 16 16 17 INT./EXT. HARRY'S BEDROOM/THE CAR - MOMENTS LATER 17 Harry pushes the trunk over the sill into the Anglia's boot, then scrambles through the window himself, when... SQUAWK! HARRY Hedwig! Harry clambers back, grabs Hedwig's cage, swings it onto the ledge, when... BAM! The bedroom door CRASHES OPEN. UNCLE VERNON Petunia! He's getting away! As Harry leaps for the windowsill, Uncle Vernon CHARGES FORWARD and SNATCHES his ankle. Harry tumbles into the darkness, one hand gripping Hedwig's cage, the other reaching out and... CATCHING Ron's at the last possible second. Uncle Vernon puts both hands to Harry's ankle, pulls harder. Ron braces himself, pulls back. Harry hangs, stretched high over the lawn, directly above the mangled steel bars. CLOSEUP: Harry's hand begins to slip from Ron's fingers. INSIDE OF CAGE: Hedwig PECKS feverishly at the LOCK. CLOSE-UP: Ron. PANICKED. RON Hold on, Harry! UNCLE VERNON Oh no, boy! You and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere! CLOSE-UP: Harry's hand begins to slip away from Ron's. INSIDE OF CAGE: Hedwig PECKS HARDER and... the CAGE OPENS. Hedwig SWOOPS into the sky, WHEELS BACK and hammers her beak into Uncle Vernon's hand. He ROARS, stumbles back and... Ron and George pull Harry into the air. RON Put your foot down, Fred! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 12. 17 CONTINUED: 17 Like a rocket, the Anglia sails into the stars. Harry glances back, sees Aunt Petunia and Dudley join Uncle Vernon at the window. As Hedwig races up, soaring just beyond the car window, Ron turns to Harry. RON By the way, Harry. Happy Birthday. DISSOLVE TO: 18 EXT. THE BURROW - EARLY MORNING 18 As the Anglia drops through a pink sky, a haphazard mess of a HOUSE, built around a towering central chimney, appears below. By the road, a lopsided SIGN reads: THE BURROW. FLUMPH! The car touches down in a WHIRLING CONE of dust, scatters a group of chickens, and fishtails to a halt. The boys spill quickly out of the car. FRED WHISPERS urgently. FRED Hurry! Let's nip inside before Mum wakes up! 19 INT. FRONT ROOM - THE BURROW - MOMENTS LATER 19 The boys sneak inside, gently close the door. Harry stops. Magical objects surround him: A CLOCK displays different chores for each family member. A pair of NEEDLES knit a sweater by themselves. And a stack of PLAYING CARDS that. A stack of PLAYING CARDS SHUFFLE themselves, providing a cooling breeze for Ron's aging rat, SCABBERS. Ron shrugs, averts his eyes self- consciously. RON It's not much. HARRY I think it's... brilliant! Ron looks up. Sees Harry's mesmerized face. Slowly... GRINS. MRS. WEASLEY (O.S.) WHERE... HAVE... YOU... BEEN?! The boys nearly jump out of their skin. MRS. WEASLEY stands in the doorway. Furious. She smiles sweetly at Harry. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 13. 19 CONTINUED: 19 MRS. WEASLEY Harry! How wonderful to see you. (back to the boys) Beds empty! No note! You could've died! You could've been seen! (again, to Harry) I don't blame you, of course, dear. RON They were starving him, Mum! There were bars on his window! MRS. WEASLEY You best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley! (softening instantly) Care for a spot of tea, Harry? GINNY Mummy. Have you seen my jumper -- A small, RED-HEADED GIRL appears. Sees Harry. And... SQUEALS. Dashes back up the stairs. Ron frowns. RON Ginny. Been talking about you all summer. Dead annoying, really. GEORGE Dad's home! The front door OPENS and ARTHUR WEASLEY enters. A tall man with red hair, his robes look dusty and travel-worn. MR. WEASLEY What a night! Nine raids! Nine! HARRY (to Ron) Raids? RON Dad works at the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. HARRY The Misuse of Muggle Artefacts...? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 14. 19 CONTINUED: (2) 19 RON That's when wizards bewitch something to drive Muggles mad. Shrinking door keys, that kind of thing. Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating. Mr. Weasley hangs up his cloak, turns. Blinks. MR. WEASLEY Well now. Who are you? RON Harry, sir. Harry Potter. MR. WEASLEY Good Lord, are you really? Ron's told us all about you, of course. When did you get here? MRS. WEASLEY (darkly) This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey house and back last night. MR. WEASLEY Did you now! How'd it go?! (catching his wife's eye) I... I mean... That was very wrong, boys. Very wrong indeed. So, Harry. You must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a parking meter? Harry is about to answer, when he notices an OWL (ERROL) soaring toward the kitchen window. To Harry's horror, the owl doesn't pull up. It just flies... SMACK!... into the glass. MRS. WEASLEY That must be Errol with the post. Fetch him, will you, George? George takes the unconscious Errol, absently lays him on a draining board, and takes the LETTERS clutched in his claws. GEORGE It's our Hogwarts letters! And look. They've sent Harry's as well. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 15. 19 CONTINUED: (3) 19 MR. WEASLEY Dumbledore must know you're here, Harry. Doesn't miss a trick, that man. FRED (reading his) This lot won't come cheap, Mum. The spellbooks alone... MRS. WEASLEY We'll manage. Right then. There's only one place to get all of this. HARRY/RON/FRED/GEORGE Diagon Alley! 19A OMITTED 19A thru thru 23 23 24 INT. LIVING ROOM - THE BURROW - DAY (LATER) 24 Everyone has gathered in front of the large fireplace. MRS. WEASLEY You first, Harry dear. Mrs. Weasley offers Harry a FLOWERPOT. At the bottom is a layer of VERY SOFT DUST. Harry frowns in confusion. RON Harry's never traveled by Floo Powder before, Mum. HARRY Floo Powder? Just then, Ron's older brother PERCY enters. MRS. WEASLEY Percy. Would you mind going first, so Harry can see how it's done? PERCY Certainly, Mother. Don't worry, Harry. It's simple enough. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 16. 24 CONTINUED: 24 Percy takes a pinch from the pot, pitches it into the fireplace and BRIGHT GREEN FLAMES ROAR HIGH. To Harry's amazement, he calmly walks... straight into them. PERCY Diagon Alley. Percy VANISHES. Tentatively, Harry reaches into the pot. MRS. WEASLEY Remember to speak clearly, dear! RON And mind you get out at the right grate! HARRY (nodding, unsure) D-Dia-gon Alley! 25 INT. SPIRALING TUNNEL 25 The SOUND is DEAFENING as Harry hurtles forward, squinting against the sting of WHIRLING SOOT and the mad, flickering lights of passing fireplaces. He falls face forward... 26 INT. BORGIN AND BURKES - STONE FIREPLACE - DAY 26 ... onto a stone hearth. Dizzy and dirty, Harry reclaims his shattered glasses. He's tumbled into a wizard's shop, but a decidedly creepy one. He starts to exit, when a WITHERED HAND in a GLASS CASE catches his eye: The Hand of Glory. Nearby, an OPAL NECKLACE gleams: Caution: Do not touch. Cursed--Has Claimed the Lives of Nineteen Muggle Owners to Date. Oddly transfixed by it all, Harry drifts toward the exit, when... (CONTINUED) 17. 26 CONTINUED: 26 DRACO MALFOY and his father, LUCIUS MALFOY, appear beyond the front window, approaching the shop. Harry glances about, spies a LARGE BLACK CABINET and slips inside. As he pulls the doors closed, a TINY CARD swings INTO VIEW: Crushing Cabinet. Malfoy and his father enter. A stooped man (MR. BORGIN) emerges from the back room. IN THE CABINET, Harry watches, unaware that the walls around him are... SLOWLY CLOSING IN. MR. BORGIN Mr. Malfoy! What a pleasure to see you again. If I may, just in today -- LUCIUS MALFOY I'm not buying today, Mr. Borgin. But selling. MR. BORGIN Selling? LUCIUS MALFOY You have heard, of course, that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids. There are even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act... Lucius unravels a roll of parchment, hands it to Borgin. LUCIUS MALFOY I have a few... ah... items at home that might prove embarrassing if the Ministry were to call. Certain poisons and the like... MR. BORGIN Hmmm... yes. I see... INSIDE THE CABINET, Harry realizes the walls are CLOSING IN. His eyes shift upward. The ceiling is DROPPING. Draco drifts to the Hand of Glory, reaches out, when... the HAND GRABS HIM. Draco shrieks, manages to slip free, then calms. He eyes the hand with malicious glee. DRACO Can I have this? (CONTINUED) 18. 26 CONTINUED: (2) 26 MR. BORGIN Ah, the Hand of Glory. Insert a candle and it gives light only to the holder. Best friend of thieves and plunderers. Your son has fine taste, sir. LUCIUS MALFOY Hopefully my son will amount to more than a thief, Mr. Borgin. Though if his marks don't pick up -- DRACO It's not my fault the teachers have favorites. That Hermione Granger -- LUCIUS MALFOY I would have thought you'd be ashamed that a girl of no wizarding family beat you in every exam. MR. BORGIN It's the same all over. Wizard blood is counting for less everywhere. LUCIUS MALFOY (deadly) Not with me. INSIDE THE CABINET, Harry's knees are up under his chin... Borgin checks off one last time, then returns the parchment to Lucius. Satisfied, Malfoy nods. LUCIUS MALFOY Very good. I'll expect you at the manor tomorrow. Come, Draco. They exit. As Borgin slips into the back room, the Crushing Cabinet's doors FLY OPEN and Harry leaps free. Inside, the walls, floor, and ceiling SNAP SHUT! Borgin reappears, blinks curiously at Harry, then watches him RACE out the door. 27 EXT. KNOCKTURN ALLEY - DAY (MOMENTS LATER) 27 Once outside, Harry fits his broken glasses to his face, eyes a STREET SIGN: "KNOCKTURN ALLEY." (CONTINUED) 19. 27 CONTINUED: 27 The vendors here clearly cater to the Dark Arts: SHRUNKEN HEADS, POISONOUS CANDLES. One window teems with SPIDERS. AGED WITCH (O.S.) Not lost are you, my dear? Harry wheels, looking into the mossy teeth of a decrepit WITCH. She holds a tray of HUMAN FINGERNAILS. HARRY I'm fine, thanks. I'm just -- HAGRID HARRY! What d'yer think yer doin' down 'ere? HARRY Hagrid! Hagrid knocks the tray from the cursing Witch's hands, then seizes Harry by the scruff of the neck and steers him away. 28 EXT. DIAGON ALLEY - CONTINUOUS ACTION - DAY 28 Hagrid swats at Harry's sooty clothes. HAGRID Yer a mess! Skulkin' 'round Knockturn Alley. Dodgy place, Harry. Don't want no one ter see yeh down there. People'll be thinkin' yer up ter no good. HARRY I was lost, I -- Hang on. What were you doing down there? HAGRID I was lookin' fer a Flesh Eatin' Slug Repellent. They're ruinin' the school cabbages. HERMIONE (O.S.) Harry! Harry looks up, sees HERMIONE GRANGER standing at the top of Gringotts' white steps. She runs down to meet them. (CONTINUED) 20. 28 CONTINUED: 28 HERMIONE Hello, Hagrid. Oh, it's wonderful to see you two again. She stops then, cocks her head curiously at Harry, then takes out her wand and points it directly between his eyes. HERMIONE Oculus Reparo. Instantly, Harry's glasses are mended. HARRY I need to remember that one. HERMIONE C'mon. Everyone's been so worried. Hermione leads them to Gringotts, where Hermione's rather nervous-looking Muggle parents stand with the Weasleys. MR. WEASLEY So you're dentists! Fascinating! I understand other Muggles quite fear you? Why is that? MRS. WEASLEY Oh, Harry. Thank goodness. We hoped you'd only gone one grate too far. Come now. We're off to Flourish and Blotts. HERMIONE Isn't it thrilling! Gilderoy Lockhart's going to be there! We can actually meet him! I mean, he's written almost the whole booklist! As Mrs. Weasley and Hermione dash off, Harry frowns. HARRY Who? 29 OMITTED 29 29A EXT. FLOURISH AND BLOTTS - DAY 29A CLOSE-UP: GILDEROY LOCKHART. A handsome, golden-haired wizard with stunning pearl-white teeth. He miles, winks at the camera. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 21. 29A CONTINUED: 29A DOLLY BACK to reveal that the image of Lockhart is actually a MOVING PHOTOGRAPH propped in the window. A PLACARD declares: HERE TODAY! SIGNING COPIES OF HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY, MAGICAL ME... GILDEROY LOCKHART! 30 INT. FLOURISH AND BLOTTS - DAY 30 Harry and the others thread their way through a CHATTERING THRONG of MIDDLE-AGED LADIES, all craning their necks for a view of Lockhart, who sits signing books at the rear of the shop. At the sight of him, Mrs. Weasley pats her hair. MRS. WEASLEY There he is! RON Mum fancies him. For this, Mrs. Weasley gives Ron a jab in the shoulder. A SHORT MAN WITH A CAMERA bumps past. SHORT MAN Out of the way! This is for The Daily Prophet! Instantly, Lockhart looks up, flashes a smile, when... GILDEROY LOCKHART It can't be Harry Potter? The crowd WHISPERS excitedly as Lockhart dives forward, seizes Harry's hand and turns him toward the photographer. GILDEROY LOCKHART (under his breath) Nice big smile, Harry. Together, you and I rate the front page. (as the CAMERA FLASHES) Ladies and gentlemen! What an extraordinary moment this is! When young Harry here stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me -- which, incidentally is celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop The Daily Prophet's Bestseller List -- he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works! Free of charge! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 22. 30 CONTINUED: 30 As the crowd CLAPS, Lockhart catches the eye of a FLUNKY and, before Harry knows it, a towering stack of books is shoved into his arms. Mortified, Harry mumbles quietly. HARRY Thank you. Slipping free, Harry drifts back into the crowd and, red with embarrassment, drops the books into Ginny's cauldron. HARRY You have these. I'll buy my own -- DRACO (appearing, sneers) Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page. GINNY Leave him alone! He didn't want all that! DRACO Look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend! (CONTINUED) 23. 30 CONTINUED: (2) 30 LUCIUS MALFOY Silence, Draco! Ah... Mr. Potter. I don't believe we've met. Lucius Malfoy extends his hand, as if offering to shake Harry's, but instead gently plays his fingers over the fringe of Harry's scalp, revealing Harry's LIGHTNING BOLT SCAR. At his touch, Harry withdraws, ever so slightly. LUCIUS MALFOY Forgive me, Mr. Potter. But your scar is legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you. HARRY He was a murderer. LUCIUS MALFOY Yes, a pity about your parents. Curious that you yourself should escape with a mere flesh wound. Curious, too, that you speak of him in the past. Surely, you don't think He-Who-Must-Not-Be- Named is gone forever. HARRY His name is Voldemort. Those within earshot gasp as Harry utters the word. LUCIUS MALFOY You must be very brave, Mr. Potter, to dare speak his name. Or foolish. HERMIONE Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself. Lucius Malfoy's eyes slide, find Hermione staring defiantly. LUCIUS MALFOY You must be Miss Granger. Draco's told me all about you... and your parents. Muggles, aren't you? Mr. and Mrs. Granger nod nervously. Lucius Malfoy can barely disguise his distaste for them. Arthur Weasley hurries over. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 5/14/02 24. 30 CONTINUED: (3) 30 MR. WEASLEY Ron! Harry! It's mad in here. Let's go outside. LUCIUS MALFOY Well, well, well -- Arthur Weasley. MR. WEASLEY (stiffly) Lucius. LUCIUS MALFOY Busy time at the Ministry. All those raids. I hope they're paying you overtime. Malfoy reaches into Ginny's cauldron, removes a very old, battered copy of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration. LUCIUS MALFOY Obviously not. Dear me. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it. MR. WEASLEY We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Lucius. LUCIUS MALFOY (glancing at the Grangers) Clearly. The company you keep, Weasley. And I thought your family could sink no lower. Mr. Weasley moves to hit Lucius Malfoy. Hagrid steps forward, puts a firm hand on Mr. Weasley's shoulder. HAGRID Ignore 'im, Arthur. Mr. Weasley backs away. Lucius Malfoy tosses Ginny's BATTERED TEXTBOOK back into her cauldron. LUCIUS MALFOY Here, girl. Take your book. It's the best your father can give you. Lucius and Draco exit. Hagrid looks at the Weasleys. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 5/14/02 25. 30 CONTINUED: (4) 30 HAGRID No Malfoy's worth listenin' ter. Rotten ter the core, the whole family... As Harry watches Draco and his father go, we -- DISSOLVE TO: 30A OMITTED 30A 30B EXT. KING'S CROSS - MORNING 30B Amid a neat line of cars, the Anglia sits at a decidedly odd angle, as if its driver were not the most skilled motorist. 31 OMITTED 31 32 INT. KING'S CROSS - DAY 32 The Weasleys and Harry -- pushing large TROLLEYS -- dash under the LARGE CLOCK which reads two minutes to eleven. MRS. WEASLEY Oh dear! The train'll be leaving any moment! All together now! Hurrying, they race to PLATFORMS NINE AND TEN. Quickly, Percy, Fred and George stride briskly toward the stone barrier that divides the platforms -- and simply DISAPPEAR. MRS. WEASLEY Go on, Ginny. You know what to do. Ginny, looking a bit nervous, rushes toward the barrier, closes her eyes, and sleds... 32A INT. PLATFORM NINE AND THREE QUARTERS - DAY 32A ... out onto the other side. As she gazes at the HOGWARTS EXPRESS, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley materialize at her side. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 26. 32A CONTINUED: 32A MRS. WEASLEY (O.S.) Come, Ginny. We'll get you a seat. 32B INT. KING'S CROSS 32B Ron glances at the clock. RON We better hurry. Harry nods, leans into his trolley and -- CRASH! -- hits the barrier and bounces back into Ron. A GUARD glowers. GUARD What in blazes d'you two think you're doing? HARRY Sorry. Lost control of the trolley. (to Ron) Why can't we get through? RON I dunno. The gateway's sealed itself for some reason. As Ron presses his ear to the barrier, the CLOCK CHIMES. HARRY The train leaves at exactly eleven o'clock. We've missed it. RON Can't hear a thing. (a sudden thought) Harry. If we can't get through, maybe Mum and Dad can't get back. HARRY Maybe we should go wait by the car. RON The car! 33 EXT. PARKING LOT (KING'S CROSS) - MOMENTS LATER 33 Pushing their trolleys madly before them, Harry and Ron dash to the car, load their belongings into the Anglia's boot. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 27. 33 CONTINUED: 33 HARRY This is mad. We can't drive to Hogwarts. RON Who says we're driving? HARRY You don't mean -- Ron, no. RON Look, who knows when Mum and Dad will get back. And we've got to get to school, haven't we? And even underage wizards are allowed to use magic if it's an absolute emergency. Least that's what Fred and George always say... HARRY Something tells me we're going to regret this. 33A INT. ANGLIA - DAY 33A Ron TAPS his WAND on the dash and the Anglia burbles to life. HARRY No offense, Ron, but are you sure you know how to fly this. RON No problem. Ron SHIFTS. With a GREAT JOLT, the car lifts from the ground. RON There. See. Now I reckon all we have to do is find the Hogwarts Express and follow it. Simple. Harry nods, not entirely convinced. He peers out the window. Down below, TWO PEDESTRIANS stare in disbelief. HARRY Uh, Ron. I should tell you. Most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car. RON Right. Ron presses a TINY SILVER BUTTON on the dashboard and they... DISAPPEAR. Down below, the baffled pedestrians blink. 28. 34 EXT. FLYING CAR (SCOTLAND) - DAY (LATER) 34 CAMERA STARTS IN the clouds, passes through, finds Scotland's stunning green. The Anglia's ENGINE PUTTERS softly, when -- POP! - the car reappears. Ron jabs at the silver button. RON Uh oh. The Invisibility Booster must be faulty. CAMERA ZOOMS ALONG the ridge of a cliff. The car reappears from above, gliding away FROM CAMERA. RON Any sign of the train? HARRY There! Up ahead! Look... Along a STEEP BRIDGE, a single line of TRAIN TRACKS appear. RON Brilliant. Ron SHIFTS, GLIDES DOWN, until the Anglia is only a few feet above the tracks. The boys peer ahead, looking for the train. RON It must be around here someplace. Behind them, through the Anglia's rear window, the Hogwarts Express APPEARS, closing fast. Harry and Ron perk up. Smile. HARRY Do you hear that? Then, at precisely the same moment, Harry and Ron register the DIRECTION of the sound. They glance at each other, turn as one and see the train GROWING HUGE in the rear window. HARRY/RON Aaaahhhhh! Ron SPINS THE WHEEL, puts his foot to the gas and -- at the last possible second -- whips the Anglia out of the train's path. The car WAFFLES, TOPPLES upside down briefly, before... (CONTINUED) 29. 34 CONTINUED: 34 ... TILTING onto its side. As it jets under the bridge, Harry goes SLIDING DOWN ACROSS HIS SEAT, into the door, and... OUT. Dangling upside-down from the open door, he watches the Hogwarts Express ZIP PAST and, in one window, glimpses NEVILLE and SEAMUS, mouths open in astonishment. RON Take my hand! Harry's grips Ron's hand, eyes the train steaming far below. It's quite a drop. Harry's fingers begin to LOSE THEIR GRIP. RON Hold on! HARRY I'm trying! Your hand's all sweaty! Straining, Ron yanks him inside, levels off the car. As Harry falls heavily into his seat, he BUCKLES his safety belt. HARRY I think we found the train. 35 EXT. HOGWARTS CASTLE - FLYING CAR - NIGHT 35 As HOGWARTS CASTLE comes INTO VIEW, the Anglia ENTERS FRAME. RON Welcome home, Harry. Harry smiles at the sight of it, when... the Anglia GROANS. HARRY Just out of interest, Ron. Have you ever landed a car before? RON Well... no. but, until a few hours ago, I'd never taken off in one either. With that, the car LURCHES, the nose DROPS, and... RON Uh oh. (CONTINUED) 30. 35 CONTINUED: 35 ... Harry, Ron and car go pitching through the night. As Ron rakes the GEARS, they hurtle madly toward the CASTLE WALL. RON IT'S NOT WORKING! HARRY UP! UP! Ron SHIFTS desperately. The Anglia LURCHES up, barely clears the castle wall. Harry and Ron exchange a look of relief, when... the car GROANS again, LURCHES... downward. HARRY MIND THAT TREE! Down below a GIANT WILLOW TREE looms. Ron SHIFTS. Nothing. HARRY TURN! TURN! Harry reaches over and, together, he and Ron SPIN THE WHEEL. It's useless. The car is heading straight for the tree. Desperately, Ron WHIPS OUT his wand and WHACKS THE DASHBOARD. RON STOP! STOP! STOP! The wand SNAPS IN TWO and -- CRUNCH! -- car meets tree. Harry blinks. They hang dreamily, BALANCED on the HIGHEST LIMB. RON My wand! Look at my wand! HARRY Be thankful it's not your neck. THWUNMP! Something HEAVY HITS Harry's door, sends a SHUDDER through the car. RON What's happening? Slowly, they look up and, in disbelief, watch one of the tree's branches PULL BACK, CURL INTO ITSELF, and come LASHING FORWARD like a MASSIVE FIST. THWUMP! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 31. 35 CONTINUED: (2) 35 HARRY/RON Aaaaahhhhh! The Anglia tilts crazily, slides backwards and FREE-FALLS through the air and... LANDS on lower grid of branches. RON What kind of tree is this? Before Harry can respond, the tree begins to PUMMEL THE CAR from all sides, tossing Henry and Ron about like popcorn. WINDOWS SHATTER. Heavy DENTS appear on the roof above Ron and Harry's heads. Then the car FALLS again... ... SLAMMING HEAVILY TO THE GROUND. Instantly, the tree's lower branches shoot through the front and rear windscreens and, gaining purchase, begin to SHAKE THE CAR BACK AND FORTH. HARRY/RON Aaaaahhhhh! The tree PITCHES the car into the air. As the Anglia SLAMS DOWN again, bobbing on its SQUEALING SHOCKS, the ENGINE BURBLES BACK TO LIFE. Harry LOOKS UP, peering through the shattered windscreen. The willow's branches, as one, rear back, ready for one last punishing blow. Harry CRIES OUT. HARRY Reverse! Reverse! Ron SHIFTS, the CAR SHOOTS BACKWARDS, and the willow PUMMELS THE TREAD-MARKED GROUND they just vacated. Safely clear, the doors fly open, the seats tip sideways, and Ron and Harry are ejected. As they hit the ground, their trunks fly from the boot, Hedwig's cage rockets out the back window, and Hedwig herself flaps into the night. Taillights blazing angrily, the BATTERED car speeds off, fishtailing into the Dark Forest. RON Dad's going to kill me. They hear a TREMENDOUS GROAN, turn back, and see the Whomping Willow assume its natural form, waiting for its next victim. 36 EXT. STONE STEPS/ENTRANCE HALL - NIGHT 36 Filthy and bruised, Harry and Ron drag themselves up the steps. Behind them we see the mountain of student trunks and caged pets already brought up from the train. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 32. 36 CONTINUED: 36 HARRY A house elf shows up in my bedroom, we can't get through the barrier to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, we almost get killed by a tree... clearly someone doesn't want me here this year. FILCH Well, take a good look, lads... They stop. ARGUS FILCH stands at the top of the landing, his cat -- MRS. NORRIS -- twitching her tail at his feet. FILCH This night might well be the last you spend in this castle. 37 INT. SNAPE'S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER 37 CLOSEUP: The Evening Prophet ENTERS FRAME. The HEADLINE reads: FLYING FORD ANGLIA MYSTIFIES MUGGLES. Below the fold a PHOTO shows Harry and Lockhart at Flourish and Blotts. CAMERA PULLS BACK, PROFESSOR SEVERUS SNAPE stands at his desk, newspaper in hand as Harry and Ron stare with dread. Filch lurks in the doorway, eying them with pleasure. (CONTINUED) 33. 37 CONTINUED: 37 SNAPE You were seen! By no less then seven Muggles. Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that has been on these grounds for hundreds of years. RON Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us. SNAPE Silence! I assure you, were you in Slytherin and your fate rested with me, the both of you would be on the train home tonight. As it is -- ALBUS DUMBLEDORE They are not. Harry and Ron turn. ALBUS DUMBLEDORE stands in the doorway. Alongside him is a distinctly annoyed PROFESSOR McGONAGALL. HARRY Professor Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall... SNAPE Headmaster, these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. As such... ALBUS DUMBLEDORE I'm well aware of our bylaws, Severus, having written more than a few myself. However, as Head of Gryffindor House, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action. RON (rising gloomily) We'll go and get our stuff. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 34. 37 CONTINUED: (2) 37 RON Well, you're going to expel us, aren't you? PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Not today, Mr. Weasley. But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be sending owls to both of your families tonight. And you will each get a detention. Snape casts a look of pure venom at Harry and Ron. DUMBLEDORE Splendid. Now, I suggest we return to the feast. There's a delicious-looking custard tart I want to sample. Rising, Harry spies an ENVELOPE on the floor. Taking it, he reads the back: "KWIKSPELL. A CORRESPONDENCE COURSE IN BEGINNER'S MAGIC." It's addressed to "MR. ARGUS FILCH." HARRY Mr. Filch. You dropped this... Filch turns, eyes the envelope with embarrassment, then snatches it from Harry's hand and stuffs it into his pocket. 38 OMITTED 38 39 EXT. HOGWARTS CASTLE - MORNING 39 The Whomping Willow sulks in the courtyard, SLINGS strung about its injured branches. CAMERA CRANES OVER the castle walls, REVEALING the exterior of GREENHOUSE THREE, where students hurry inside for the beginning of class. 40 INT. GREENHOUSE THREE - MORNING 40 As Harry and Ron enter, SEAMUS, NEVILLE and some of the other Gryffindors hover nearby. NEVILLE Detention. On the first day? SEAMUS That must be some kind of record. (CONTINUED) 35. 40 CONTINUED: 40 HERMIONE I should think you'd count yourself lucky that's all you got. RON I should think you'd mind your own business. They glare at each other. PROFESSOR SPROUT, a squat little witch, TAPS her wand on a stack of POTS. PROFESSOR SPROUT Welcome to Greenhouse Three, Second Years. Today, we will be re-potting Mandrakes. Now, who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake? Yes, Miss Granger. HERMIONE Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been transfigured to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it. PROFESSOR SPROUT Excellent. Ten points to Gryffindor. As our Mandrakes are only seedlings, their cries won't kill yet. However, they will knock you out for several hours. That is why I have provided each of you with a pair of earmuffs. If you would then... Ron frowns. He's gotten a BRIGHT PINK FLUFFY pair. When the class is ready, Professor Sprout leads them to the GARDEN AREA. She grasps one of the TUFTY PLANTS before her... and pulls. Harry gasps. Instead of roots, a small, muddy, extremely ugly BABY pops out of the earth, leaves growing right out of its head. Neville's eyes ROLL BACK. He FAINTS. Professor Sprout plunges the BAWLING CREATURE deep into a POT, removes her earmuffs, and the others follow suit. Everyone save Neville, who lies stretched on the ground. PROFESSOR SPROUT Hm. Looks as though Mr. Longbottom neglected his muffs. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 36. 40 CONTINUED: (2) 40 SEAMUS No, ma'am. He's just fainted. PROFESSOR SPROUT Very well. We'll just leave him then. Come now. Four to a tray, plenty of pots to go round... 41 INT. GREAT HALL - LUNCH - DAY 41 Percy enters in the company of PENELOPE CLEARWATER, just as NEARLY HEADLESS NICK glides by. PENELOPE CLEARWATER There's Nearly Headless Nick. PERCY Hello, Sir Nicolas. NEARLY HEADLESS NICK Hello, Percy. Miss Clearwater. At the Gryffindor table, Hermione has her nose buried in Gilderoy Lockhart's Travels with Trolls. Ron runs gobs of Spellotape over his BROKEN WAND, shakes his head grimly. RON Say it. I'm doomed. HARRY You're doomed. FLASH! -- a LIGHT BLINDS Harry. He blinks, finds a small boy (COLIN CREEVEY) standing before him with a CAMERA. COLIN Hiya, Harry. I'm Colin Creevey. I'm in Gryffindor too. HARRY Hello, Colin. Nice to meet -- COLIN They're for my dad -- the pictures. He's a milkman, you know, a Muggle, like all our family's been until me. No one knew all the odd stuff I could do was magic till we got my letter from Hogwarts. Everyone just thought I was mental. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 37. 41 CONTINUED: 41 RON Imagine that. COLIN Say, Harry. D'you think your friend could take a photo of me and you standing together? Ya' know, to prove I've met you? Harry glances at Ron. He looks positively homicidal. Mercifully, just then, OWLS STREAM into the Hall. DEAN THOMAS Post is here! One after another, the birds swoop gracefully down, clutching letters from home. All except one, who plops beak-first into Ron's soup. Errol. RON Bloody bird's a menace -- Oh... no. SEAMUS Heads up, everyone. Weasley's gotten himself a Howler. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 37A. 41 CONTINUED: (2) 41 NEVILLE Go on, Ron. I ignored one from my Gran once... and it was horrible. Ron looks pale. Clutched in Errol's beak is a DAMP RED ENVELOPE. Hands shaking, he takes it, opens it, and... MRS. WEASLEY'S VOICE THUNDERS, sending plates and spoons rattling. MRS. WEASLEY (V.O.) RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME! (softening suddenly) Oh, and Ginny dear. Congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud. Ginny, sitting a bit apart from the others, looks up shyly, then returns to the SMALL BLACK BOOK she's scribbling in. Ron watches the envelope RIP ITSELF TO PIECES, then endures HOWLS of LAUGHTER from the other House tables. Colin Creevey snaps a few photos. Harry looks sympathetically at Ron. HARRY Look at it this way. How much worse can things get? 38. 42 INT. GILDEROY LOCKHART'S CLASSROOM - DAY 42 Gilderoy Lockhart paces before the class. Hermione and the girls hang on his every word, while Harry and Ron eye the LARGE, COVERED CAGE RATTLING mysteriously on his desk. GILDEROY LOCKHART Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher. Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most- Charming-Smile Award -- But I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her! Lockhart awaits laughter. A few students smile weakly. GILDEROY LOCKHART I see you've all bought a complete set of my books. Well done. I thought we'd start today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about. Just to check how well you've read them, how much you've taken in... Lockhart begins to circulate papers. Harry and Ron examine the questions. Ron WHISPERS to Harry. RON Look at these questions. They're all about him. HARRY 'What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?' RON 'What is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?' HARRY 'When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday and what would his ideal gift be?' GILDEROY LOCKHART You have thirty minutes. Start -- now! As quills begin to dart across pages, we -- DISSOLVE TO: 39. SAME SCENE - LATER Lockhart rifles through the completed exams. GILDEROY LOCKHART Tut, tut. Hardly any of you remembered my favorite color is lilac. But Miss Hermione Granger knew that my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil and market my own range of hair care potions. Good girl. Hermione beams. Lockhart's expression suddenly darkens. GILDEROY LOCKHART Now... be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind! You may find yourself facing your own worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here... With a showman's flair, Lockhart turns slowly to the cage. GILDEROY LOCKHART I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them. A pale Neville draws back. Harry and Ron lean forward. Lockhart lets the tension build, then WHIPS off the cover. Inside the cage are several electric blue CREATURES. Eight inches tall, with pointed faces and wings, they rattle the bars and pull bizarre faces at the students. SEAMUS Cornish pixies? GILDEROY LOCKHART Freshly caught Cornish pixies. Unable to control himself, Seamus SNORTS with laughter. GILDEROY LOCKHART Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnegan, but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them now! Lockhart flings open the cage. Instantly, the pixies rocket about, spraying the students with ink bottles, BREAKING BEAKERS and shredding books. Two SEIZE Neville by the ears, lift him into the air, and begin to circle the ceiling. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 40. 42 CONTINUED: 42 GILDEROY LOCKHART Come on now, round them up, round them up. They're only pixies. (brandishing his wand) Peskipiski Pesternomi! The spell has absolutely no effect. A particularly obnoxious pixie makes a face, seizes Lockhart's wand and tosses it out the window. Lockhart joins the stampede to the door. GILDEROY LOCKHART I'll ask you three to just nip the rest of them back into their cage. SLAMMING the door, he's gone. Harry, Ron and Hermione stand blinking. Ron swats a pixie gnawing his ear. RON What do we do now? HERMIONE (raising her wand) Immobilus! The pixies FREEZE IN MIDAIR. Neville falls, PLOPS onto Lockhart's desk, shaken but unhurt. He looks at Hermione. NEVILLE Why is it always me? 42A OMITTED 42A 42B INT. SEVENTH FLOOR - CORRIDOR - LATER 42B Fresh from the pixies, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Neville walk. Hair askew. Robes shredded. RON Can you believe him? HERMIONE I'm sure Professor Lockhart just wanted to give us some hands-on experience. HARRY Hands on? Hermione, he didn't have a clue what he was doing. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 41. 42B CONTINUED: 42B HERMIONE Rubbish. Read his books. You'll see all the amazing things he's done. RON He says he's done. 43 OMITTED 43 & & 44 44 45 EXT. HOGWARTS - COURTYARD - DAY 45 The Gryffindor Quidditch team -- Harry, Fred, George, ALICIA SPINNET, KATIE BELL, and ANGELINA JOHNSON -- trail Oliver Wood through the courtyard, toward the distant Quidditch pitch. Several students are outside, studying. WOOD I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program. We're going to train earlier, harder, and longer! (squinting) What the... I don't believe it! Crossing the courtyard from the other side are SEVEN BOYS in GREEN ROBES, also carrying broomsticks. At their lead is MARCUS FLINT, trollish Slytherin Captain. Ron, sitting at a table with Hermione, looks up. (CONTINUED) 42. 45 CONTINUED: 45 RON Uh-oh. I smell trouble. WOOD Clear out, Flint! I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today. FLINT Easy, Wood. I've got a note. As Wood snatches the PARCHMENT from Flint's hand, Ron and Hermione come up to join the others. WOOD 'I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.' (looking up) You've got a new Seeker? Who? A pasty-faced boy pushes to the front. It's... Malfoy. HARRY Draco? DRACO That's right. And that's not all that's new this year... As one, the seven Slytherins hold out seven brand-new GLEAMING BROOMSTICKS. The Gryffindors look stunned. RON Those are Nimbus Two Thousand Ones. FLINT A generous gift from Draco's father. DRACO That's right, Weasley. You see, unlike some, my father can afford to buy the best. HERMIONE At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent. (CONTINUED) 43. 45 CONTINUED: (2) 45 DRACO No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood. Everyone reacts as if Malfoy has said something horrific -- everyone save Harry, who looks puzzled. Instantly, Fred and George fly for Draco's throat. Oliver Wood holds them back. WOOD Save it for the match. RON You'll pay for that one, Malfoy! (whips out his wand) Eat slugs! Ron points his cracked wand at Malfoy. PFFT! -- a BOLT of GREEN LIGHT scissors out the wrong end, hitting Ron himself in the stomach. As he drops to the grass, Hermione runs to him HERMIONE Ron! Say something! Ron opens his mouth and... BELCHES. Hermione draws back, and watches a TRIO of SLUGS dribble out his mouth. The Slytherins CROW with LAUGHTER. Angrily, Ron rises, only to BELCH again. Fascinated, Colin Creevey runs up with his camera. COLIN Wow! Can you hold him still, Harry?! HARRY Get out of the way, Colin! (to Hermione) Let's take him to Hagrid. He'll know what to do. 46 INT. HAGRID'S HUT - DAY 46 Hagrid rummages about, looking for something. HAGRID Got jus' the thing. Set 'im down on that chair o'er there. As Ron sits, Hagrid pitches a BUCKET between his knees. Harry and Hermione glance up questioningly. Hagrid shrugs. (CONTINUED) 44. 46 CONTINUED: 46 HAGRID Better out than in. Who was he tryin' ter curse anyway? HARRY Malfoy. He called Hermione, well, I don't know exactly what it means... HERMIONE (quietly) He called me a Mudblood. HAGRID He didn'! Harry looks confused. Hermione glances at him, then away, obviously pained by this. HERMIONE It means dirty blood. Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone... like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation. HAGRID Yeh see, Harry. There are some wizards -- like Malfoy's family -- who think they're better than everyone else 'cause they're what people call pureblood. HARRY That's horrible. RON (BELCHES forth a slug) It's disgusting! HAGRID An' it's codswallop ter boot. Dirty blood. There's 'ardly a wizard today that's not half-blood or less. If we 'adn't married Muggles we'd've died out long ago. Besides, they haven't invented a spell our Hermione can't do... (taking her shoulder) Don' you think on it, Hermione. Don' you think on it fer a minute. THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/9/02 45/45A. 47 OMITTED 47 & & 48 48 49 INT. GILDEROY LOCKHART'S OFFICE - EVENING (HOURS LATER) 49 CAMERA PANS the walls of Lockhart's office, lined with FRAMED PHOTOGRAPHS of... Gilderoy Lockhart. Harry and Lockhart work by candlelight at an ornate desk. Bleary- eyed, Harry addresses envelopes, while a cheery Lockhart puts his signature to the stack of GLOSSY PHOTOS bearing his image. GILDEROY LOCKHART Harry, Harry, Harry... Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me answer my fan mail? Harry forces a smile. GILDEROY LOCKHART Fame's a fickle friend, Harry. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that. Harry nods, glancing gloomily at the towering stack of envelopes that remain. Dipping his quill, he starts to write, when... a CHILLY VOICE fills the room. VOICE Come... come to me... (CONTINUED) 49. 49 CONTINUED: 49 HARRY What? GILDEROY LOCKHART I was saying, six solid months at the top of the bestseller list! Broke all records! HARRY No... not you, that... voice. GILDEROY LOCKHART Voice? HARRY That... voice. Didn't you hear it? GILDEROY LOCKHART What are you talking about, Harry? I think we're getting a bit drowsy. Great Scott -- and no wonder -- look at the time! We've been here nearly four hours! Dinner's nearly done! If you hurry you might make pudding. Spooky how the time flies when one's having fun! HARRY Spooky. 49A INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 49A Harry passes quickly through the lengthening shadows of the empty corridor, when... VOICE Blood... I smell blood... Harry stops cold, looking around for the source of the voice. VOICE Let me rip you... let me kill you... Harry steps to the wall, playing his fingers along the stone, then begins walk, slowly at first, then more quickly, as if following something, moving faster and faster, rounding the corner and coming face to face with... Hermione and Ron. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 47. 49A CONTINUED: 49A HERMIONE Harry! HARRY Did you hear it? RON Hear what? HARRY That... voice. HERMIONE Voice? What voice? HARRY (eyes darting around) I heard it first in Lockhart's office and then again, just -- VOICE Kill... Time to kill... As Harry stiffens, Hermione and Ron study him curiously. HARRY It's moving. I think it's going to... kill. Harry runs off. Hermione and Ron exchange a glance, follow. 50 OMITTED 50 thru thru 57 57 58 INT. MARBLE STAIRCASE - MOMENTS LATER 58 Harry dashes madly, taking the steps three at a time. He makes the landing, rushes through the archway, and... 59 INT. SECOND FLOOR CORRIDOR - SECOND FLOOR - NIGHT 59 ... sleds to a stop, listening: Nothing. Slowly, he peers down. WATER is oozing over the stone floor, surrounding his shoes. His own REFLECTION appears and, behind it, undulating like a dream... WORDS. Ron and Hermione come huffing up. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 48. 59 CONTINUED: 59 RON Harry, what are you doing? He points. SHIMMERING on the wall are the words he saw reflected in water. THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED ENEMIES OF THE HEIR... BEWARE. HERMIONE 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened...?' RON What's that? Hanging underneath? HARRY That's Filch's cat. Mrs. Norris. The cat hangs stiffly by her tail from a torch bracket, eyes open and blank. Harry's eyes shift to the adjacent WINDOW: near the topmost pane, SPIDERS scuttle up a silvery thread, fight to get through a crack in the glass. HERMIONE Look at that. Have you ever seen spiders act like that? Ron...? RON (backing away) I... don't... like... spiders. Suddenly, the stairwell is alive with VOICES and, seconds later, dozens of students stream forth, CHATTERING... when they stop, seeing the wall and, standing before it, Harry, Ron and Hermione. A thudding SILENCE falls. Then Draco pushes forward, eyes the wall, and grins nastily. DRACO Enemies of the heir, beware! You'll be next, Mudbloods! Draco's eyes find Hermione, just as Filch appears. FILCH What's going on here? Go on now! Make way... (stopping dead) Mrs. Norris! (rounding on Harry) You! You've murdered my cat! I'll kill you! I'll -- (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 49. 59 CONTINUED: (2) 59 DUMBLEDORE Argus! Dumbledore marches forward, trailed by a phalanx of teachers. Seeing the wall, Dumbledore's face darkens. DUMBLEDORE Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately. (to Harry, Ron, Hermione) Everyone except you three. As the corridor empties, Dumbledore steps to the wall and, with extreme gentleness, removes Mrs. Norris. GILDEROY LOCKHART It was definitely a curse that killed her -- probably the Transmogrifian Torture. Encountered it myself once, in Ouagadougou. The full story's in my autobiography... DUMBLEDORE She's not dead, Argus. She's been Petrified. GILDEROY LOCKHART Precisely! So unlucky I wasn't there. I know the very countercurse that could have spared her... DUMBLEDORE But how she's been Petrified... I cannot say. FILCH (pointing at Harry) Ask him! It's him that's done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall! Besides, he knows I'm -- I'm a Squib. HARRY It's not true, sir! I swear! I never touched Mrs. Norris -- And I don't even know what a Squib is. FILCH Rubbish! He saw my Kwikspell letter! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 50. 59 CONTINUED: (3) 59 SNAPE If I might, Headmaster... The others turn, watch Snape separate from the shadows. SNAPE Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time... Could Snape be defending Harry and the others blink. them? SNAPE However, the circumstances are suspicious. I, for one, don't recall seeing Potter at dinner. GILDEROY LOCKHART I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus. You see, Harry was helping me answer my fan mail... As Snape's lip curls in disgust, Hermione leaps in. HERMIONE That's why Ron and I went looking for him, Professor. We'd just found him when Harry said... SNAPE (raising an eyebrow) Yes, Miss Granger? HARRY When I said I wasn't hungry. We were heading back to the Common Room and... found Mrs. Norris. Snape eyes Harry coldly, knowing he's lying. Harry looks away... and finds Dumbledore studying him as well. DUMBLEDORE Innocent until proven guilty. FILCH My cat has been Petrified! I want to see some punishment! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 51. 59 CONTINUED: (4) 59 DUMBLEDORE We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes. When they have matured, a potion will be made which will revive Mrs. Norris. In the meantime, I advise caution. To all. 60 OMITTED 60 60A INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT (A BIT LATER) 60A Harry, Ron and Hermione walk down the corridor. RON A Squib's someone who's born into a wizarding family but hasn't got any powers of their own. It's why Filch is trying to learn magic from a Kwikspell course. It's also why he hates students so much. He's bitter. Hermione, who's only been half-listening -- as if trying to unravel something in her mind -- speaks then. HERMIONE Harry. This voice. You said you heard it first in Lockhart's office? HARRY Yes. HERMIONE And did he hear it? HARRY He said he didn't. RON Maybe he was lying. HERMIONE I hardly think someone with Gilderoy Lockhart's credentials would lie to one of his students, Ronald. Besides, if you recall, we didn't hear anything either. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/14/02 52. 60A CONTINUED: 60A HARRY You do believe me, don't you? HERMIONE 'Course we do. It's just... it's a bit weird, isn't it? You hear this voice and then... Mrs. Norris turns up Petrified. HARRY I can't explain it -- it was... scary. (frowning) D'you think I should've told them -- Dumbledore and the others, I mean. RON Are you mad! HERMIONE No, Harry. Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign. 61 OMITTED 61 62 INT. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL'S CLASSROOM - MORNING McGonagall stands before the class. Resting on the desk in front of each student, is a different animal. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Today, we will be turning animals into water goblets. She taps the bird in front of her, three times, with the tip of her wand. It transfigures into a beautiful crystal water goblet. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Now, who would like to go first... Mr. Weasley? Ron nods. He TAPS his rat, Scabbers, who turns into a goblet with a tail. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL You must replace that wand, Mr. Weasley. Ron nods sheepishly, looks at his broken wand. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 53. 62 CONTINUED: (A1) 62 McGonagall sees Hermione's raised hand. Her untouched animal. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Yes, Miss Granger? HERMIONE Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets? A HUSH falls over the class. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL My subject is Transfiguration, Miss Granger. HERMIONE Yes, Professor. But there seems to be very little written about the Chamber of Secrets. For those of us with a personal interest in the subject, that is... disturbing. Malfoy regards Hermione with chilly amusement. McGonagall considers Hermione's question for a long moment, then nods. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Very well. You all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: (MORE) (CONTINUED) 54. 62 CONTINUED: 62 PROFESSOR McGONAGALL (CONT'D) Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Three of the founders co-existed quite harmoniously. One did not. RON Three glasses who? PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, purebloods. Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. (a beat) According to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Shortly before departing, he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the Chamber of Secrets and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic. HERMIONE Muggle-borns. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Yes. Naturally, the school has been searched many times for such a chamber. It has never been found. HERMIONE Professor, what exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber? PROFESSOR McGONAGALL The Chamber is said to be home to something which the heir of Slytherin alone can control. It is said to be home... to a monster. Ron's eyes shift. Malfoy sits calmly, smiling to himself. THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 55. 63 INT. CORRIDOR - DAY 63 Harry, Hermione, and Ron thread their way through the teeming corridor. Up ahead, Malfoy walks with Crabbe and Goyle. RON D'you think it's true? D'you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets? HERMIONE Yes. Couldn't you tell: McGonagall's worried. All the teachers are. HARRY But if there really is a Chamber of Secrets, and it's really been opened, that means... HERMIONE The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts. The question is, who is it? RON (in mock puzzlement) Let's think. Who do we know who thinks Muggle-borns are scum. HERMIONE (eyeing Malfoy ahead) If you're talking about him -- RON Of course! You heard him: 'You'll be next, Mudbloods'! HERMIONE I heard him. But Malfoy? The Heir of Slytherin? HARRY Maybe Ron's right, Hermione. I mean, look at his family. The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries. RON Crabbe and Goyle must know. Maybe we could trick them into telling... (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 56. 63 CONTINUED: 63 HERMIONE No. Even they aren't that thick. But there might be another way. Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention we'd be breaking about fifty school rules. And it would be dangerous. Very dangerous. RON When do we start? 64 INT. LIBRARY - NIGHT 64 In a dark nook, Harry, Ron and Hermione huddle round a book entitled Moste Potente Potions. The spotted pages are littered with DISTURBING ILLUSTRATIONS. HERMIONE Here it is: 'The Polyjuice Potion. Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another...' RON You mean, Harry and I drink some of this stuff and we turn into Crabbe and Goyle? HERMIONE Yes. RON Wicked! Malfoy'll tell us anything! HERMIONE Exactly. But it's tricky. I've never seen a more complicated potion. Lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed. And, of course, we'll need a bit of whoever we want to change into too. RON Hang on now. I'm drinking nothing with Crabbe's toenails in it. (CONTINUED) 57. 64 CONTINUED: 64 HARRY How long will it take to make? HERMIONE A month. HARRY A month? But if Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin... he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then. HERMIONE You didn't have to tell me that. 65 EXT. QUIDDITCH STADIUM - DAY 65 We join the Quidditch match in mid-game. The CROWD ROARS, watching as Slytherin Chasers, bent low over their new brooms, jet past the overmatched Gryffindors. HAGRID Gallopin' Gorgons! Slytherin's flyin' like they got dragon fire in their brooms... Ron fumes, looking as though he takes Slytherin's dominance personally. Taking Hagrid's GIANT BINOCULARS, he trains them on the FACULTY BOX -- where Lucius Malfoy sits next to Snape. Harry circles high above the pitch, searching for the Golden Snitch. Suddenly, Malfoy streaks by overhead. DRACO All right there, Scarhead? Harry turns, eyes Malfoy malevolently. Behind him, a BLUDGER drops INTO FRAME, begins to streak toward his head. GEORGE HARRY! WATCH OUT! Harry wheels and at the last possible moment, slips the WHISTLING Bludger. CRACK! George swoops down, BATS it away. Harry turns, watches it soar away, then blinks: the Bludger turns, streaks right back at him. Harry JETS OFF. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 58. 65 CONTINUED: 65 HAGRID (from the stands) Blimey, Harry's got 'imself a Rogue Bludger! RON Rogue Bludger? HAGRID Look fer yerself! It's bin' tampered with! Harry executes a series of zigs, zags, loops and rolls, trying to shake the Bludger, but the Bludger is relentless. Ron instinctively draws his wand, begins to point it toward Harry and the Bludger, when... Hermione's hand intercedes. She glances knowingly at his fractured wand. HERMIONE You're joking, right? Besides, even with a proper wand, it's too risky. You could hit Harry. As Harry frantically dips and dives, Malfoy cruises by. DRACO Training for the ballet, Potter? Harry glances at Malfoy's sneering face. BUZZING inches above Malfoy's left ear is... the GOLDEN SNITCH. Harry CHARGES. Malfoy GULPS, swings clear, and watches Harry rocket past. As Harry chases the plummeting Snitch, Malfoy FOLLOWS IN HOT PURSUIT. They RACE DOWNWARD, trailing the HISSING SNITCH deep into the TRENCH circling the pitch. Shoulder to shoulder, they RACE MADLY, driving and dodging the wooden support beams that crisscross their path. Directly behind them, the Bludger FOLLOWS, SHATTERING the BEAMS as it dogs Harry. Malfoy KICKS Harry, forcing him to the edge of the trench. Harry BRUSHES the wall, battling for control. Malfoy turns, SNICKERS, then looks back... and finds himself heading smack into a wooden beam. Panicked, he tries to pull up. Too late. Broom meets beam and Malfoy spirals out of the trench and -- THWUMP! -- flat on his back in the middle of the pitch. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 58A. 65 CONTINUED: (1A) 65 Harry continues on, CLOSING on the Snitch, fingertips only inches from catching it... when... the Rogue Bludger SMASHES INTO Harry's arm. Harry cries out, steadies himself and with a brilliant, acrobatic move, SNATCHES the Snitch out of the air with his good hand. Unable to control his broom with his shattered arm, he hits the pitch with a SICKENING THUD. Wincing, Harry rolls onto his shoulders, SQUINTS UP: a BLACK DOT -- growing rapidly LARGER -- is plummeting from the sky, directly toward him. It's... the rogue Bludger. Instantly, Harry spins away, grimacing in agony, as the Bludger... ... hits the ground like a SLEDGE HAMMER, violently TATTOOING the pitch again and again, only inches from Harry. Calmly, Hermione strides forth, points her wand. HERMIONE Finite Incantatem! The Bludger hangs briefly in the air. Slowly ceases spinning. Drops heavily to the pitch. Harry exhales, relieved, only to recall the searing pain in his arm. As CONCERNED FACES swim above him, one particular face pushes through the others: GILDEROY LOCKHART Not to worry, Harry. I'll fix that arm of yours straight away. HARRY No... no... not you. (CONTINUED) 59. 65 CONTINUED: (3) 65 GILDEROY LOCKHART Poor boy doesn't know what he's saying. This won't hurt a bit... Lockhart TWIRLS his WAND, Harry braces himself, and... nothing. He blinks, looks up: the faces -- which now include Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid -- look horror- stricken. GILDEROY LOCKHART Ah. Yes. Well, that can sometimes happen. The point is, the bones are no longer broken. HAGRID Brok'n? He doesn't 'ave any bones at all! Harry looks: his arm looks like an empty rubber glove. 66 INT. HOSPITAL WING - DAY 66 A dazed Malfoy slumps out with Crabbe and Goyle. Ron, standing by Harry's bed with Hermione, grins, then watches MADAM POMFREY pour out a STEAMING BEAKERFUL OF LIQUID from a bottle of SKELE-GRO. A group of Gryffindors, including some of his teammates, stand nearby. MADAM POMFREY He should have been brought straight to me! I can mend bones in a heartbeat -- but growing them back -- HERMIONE You will be able to, won't you? MADAM POMFREY I'll be able to, certainly, but it will be painful. You're in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is nasty business. Harry takes the steaming cup and drinks. Grimaces. MADAM POMFREY Well, what did you expect -- pumpkin juice? FLASH! Harry blinks, sees Colin Creevey standing there. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 60. 66 CONTINUED: 66 COLIN That was brilliant today, Harry! Brilliant! MADAM POMFREY Out! All of you! This boy's got thirty-three bones to regrow! 67 INT. HOSPITAL WING - NIGHT 67 Harry fidgets in the darkness, half-asleep, then... his eyelids flutter slowly open... HARRY'S MOVING POV From the shadows that cling to the ceiling... to the lattice-work of moonlight that burns softly on the walls around him... BACK TO SCENE He SENSES something... a presence... when... Five BANDAGED FINGERS ENTER FRAME, begin to SPONGE his brow. Harry bolts upright, finds... HARRY Dobby! DOBBY Harry Potter came back to school. Dobby warned him. Harry Potter should have listened to Dobby. Harry Potter should have gone back home when he missed the train. HARRY (pushing the sponge away) It was you! You stopped the barrier from letting Ron and me through! DOBBY Indeed yes, sir. Dobby hid and watched for Harry Potter and sealed the gateway. HARRY You nearly got Ron and me expelled! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 60A. 67 CONTINUED: (A1) 67 DOBBY At least you would be away from here. Harry Potter must go home! Dobby thought his Bludger would be enough to make Harry Potter see -- HARRY Your Bludger? You made that Bludger chase after me? (CONTINUED) 61. 67 CONTINUED: 67 DOBBY Dobby feels most aggrieved, sir. (waggling his fingers) Dobby had to iron his hands... HARRY You'd better clear off before my bones come back, Dobby, or I might strangle you! DOBBY (smiling weakly) Dobby is used to death threats, sir. Dobby gets them five times a day at home. HARRY I don't suppose you could tell me why you're trying to kill me? DOBBY Not kill you, sir, never kill you! Dobby remembers how it was before Harry Potter triumphed over He Who Must Not Be Named. We house elves were treated like vermin, sir. Of course, Dobby is still treated like vermin... Dobby HONKS his nose on the filthy pillowcase he wears. HARRY Why do you wear that thing, Dobby? DOBBY This, sir? 'Tis a mark of the house elf's enslavement. Dobby can only be freed if his master presents him with clothes. The family is careful not to pass Dobby so much as a sock, sir, for then he would be free to leave their house forever. Dobby's ears QUIVER, detecting... FOOTSTEPS. He WHISPERS. DOBBY Terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts! Harry Potter must not stay here now that history is to repeat itself! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 62. 67 CONTINUED: (2) 67 HARRY Repeat itself? You mean, this has happened before? Dobby seizes the Skele-Gro, BEATS himself about the head. HARRY Tell me, Dobby? When did this happen before? Who's doing it now? DOBBY Dobby cannot say, sir. Dobby only wants Harry Potter to be safe. HARRY Who is it? No, Dobby! Tell me! CRACK! Dobby is gone. SHADOWS flicker beyond the CURTAIN encircling Harry's bed. Harry slumps down... peers through a slit in the curtains. Dumbledore, in a nightcap, and McGonagall, in a tartan robe, heave a SMALL STATUE onto an empty bed. Seconds later, Madam Pomfrey bustles in. MADAM POMFREY What's happened? DUMBLEDORE There's been another attack. Madam Pomfrey GASPS. It is not a statue lying there. It is Colin Creevey, CAMERA still clutched to his eye. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Perhaps he managed to get a picture of his attacker... Dumbledore opens the camera. A JET OF STEAM HISSES forth. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL What does this mean, Albus? DUMBLEDORE It means our students are in great danger, Minerva. Mr. Creevey was fortunate. If not for this... (holding up the camera) He would surely be dead. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 62A. 67 CONTINUED: (3) 67 PROFESSOR McGONAGALL What sould I tell the staff, Albus? DUMBLEDORE Tell them the truth. Tell them Hogwarts is no longer safe. Tell them it's as we feared. The Chamber of Secrets is indeed open again. 68 OMITTED 68 68A EXT. GIRLS BATHROOM 68A We PAN SLOWLY FROM the defiled wall to the bathroom door. 63. 69 INT. GIRLS BATHROOM - DAY 69 A gloomy place. Cracked mirrors. Chipped sinks. Guttering candles. Harry and Ron huddle over a SMALL, BUBBLING CAULDRON, as Hermione adds STRANGE INGREDIENTS. HERMIONE Again? You mean, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before? RON Of course! Don't you see? Lucius Malfoy must've opened it when he was at school here, and now he's told Draco how to do it. HERMIONE Maybe. We'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure. RON Enlighten me. Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight, in the middle of a girls' lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught? HERMIONE Never. No one over comes in here. RON Why? HERMIONE Moaning Myrtle. RON Who's Moaning Myrtle? There is a LOUD, PIERCING SCREECH, and the GHOST OF A YOUNG GIRL COMES RACING OUT OF THE WALL. FACE TO FACE with Ron. MOANING MYRTLE I'm Moaning Myrtle. I wouldn't expect you to know me. Who would ever talk about fat, ugly, miserable, moping, moaning Myrtle? Myrtle SOBS LOUDLY, DIVES head first into the toilet. HERMIONE She's a little sensitive. 64. 70 INT. GREAT HALL - DAY 70 NOTICE-BOARD: DUELING CLUB! First Meeting Tonight. A GOLDEN STAGE has been erected. Lockhart struts atop it. Harry, Ron, Hermione and good number of other students watch. GILDEROY LOCKHART Gather round! Gather round! Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent. In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little Dueling Club, to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions -- for full details, see my published works. The boy next to Harry, JUSTIN-FINCH FLETCHLEY, turns to him. JUSTIN FINCH-FLETCHLEY That Lockhart's something, isn't he? Awfully brave chap. (offering his hand) Justin Finch-Fletchley. Hufflepuff. HARRY Nice to meet you. I'm -- JUSTIN FINCH-FLETCHLEY I know who you are. We all do. Even us Muggle-borns. Justin grins agreeably, looks back to the stage, where Professor Snape has joined Lockhart. GILDEROY LOCKHART Let me introduce my assistant Professor Snape. He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your Potions Master when I'm through with him, never fear! RON What's the fun in that? Lockhart and Snape face each other and bow. They turn, walk ten paces, then... SPIN... wands poised like swords. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 65. 70 CONTINUED: 70 GILDEROY LOCKHART As you can see, we are holding our wands in the accepted combative position. On the count of three, we will cast our first spells. Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course. HARRY (eyeing Snape) I wouldn't bet on that. GILDEROY LOCKHART One-two-three -- SNAPE Expelliarmus! A dazzling flash of SCARLET LIGHT bursts forth and BLASTS Lockhart off his feet and into the wall behind. HERMIONE Do you think he's all right? HARRY/RON Who cares? GILDEROY LOCKHART (rising unsteadily) Well, there you have it. That was a Disarming Charm. As you see, I've lost my wand. GILDEROY LOCKHART (as Hermione returns it) Ah, thank you, Miss Granger. Yes, an excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind my saying so, it was very obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy... SNAPE Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, Professor. (CONTINUED) 66. 70 CONTINUED: (2) 70 GILDEROY LOCKHART An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape. Let's have a volunteer pair. Potter, Weasley, how about you? SNAPE Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox. Might I suggest someone from my own house. Malfoy, perhaps. Malfoy and Harry eye each other malevolently as they take their places onstage. Grudgingly, they bow to each other. DRACO Scared, Potter? HARRY You wish. They turn, walk ten paces, then WHIRL, wands poised. GILDEROY LOCKHART Wands at the ready! When I count to three, cast your charms to disarm your opponent -- only to disarm. We don't want any accidents. One, two -- Malfoy FIRES early, knocking Harry off his feet with a BLAST of WHITE LIGHT. He jumps up, points his wand. HARRY Rictusempra! A jet of SILVER LIGHT hits Malfoy dead in the stomach. He doubles up, WHEEZING. GILDEROY LOCKHART I said disarm only! DRACO Serpensortia! To Harry's horror, the tip of Malfoy's wand EXPLODES and a LONG BLACK SNAKE SLITHERS forth. Snape smiles with amusement. (CONTINUED) 67. 70 CONTINUED: (3) 70 SNAPE Don't move, Potter. I'll get rid of it for you. GILDEROY LOCKHART Allow me! Lockhart flicks his wand. BANG! The SNAKE flies into the air, HISSES in rage, and slithers straight towards Justin Finch-Fletchley. As students SCREAM, Harry -- oddly calm -- approaches the snake. It rises, fangs exposed, poised to strike Justin. HARRY (in Parseltongue) Leave him! The snake looks into Harry's eyes, then turns for Justin. HARRY (in Parseltongue) LEAVE HIM! The snake hovers a moment more, then -- miraculously -- slumps to the floor. Harry blinks, as if coming out of a trance, grins curiously at the snake, and offers his hand to Justin. JUSTIN-FINCH-FLETCHLEY What are you playing at? Terrified, Justin backs away. Confused, Harry eyes the faces around him. Malfoy looks shocked. Seamus and Neville's eyes glitter with fear. Ginny bolts the room. Snape waves his wand and the snake VANISHES in PUFF OF BLACK SMOKE, then regards Harry with a look that is both shrewd and calculating. RON (taking Harry's arm) Come on. Move. Now. 71 INT. GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM - DAY (LATER) 71 Ron and Hermione usher Harry inside. Harry glances up, sees Ginny Weasley staring down at him from the top of the stairs. As their eyes meet, she turns for the girls' dormitory. RON You're a Parselmouth! Why didn't you tell us? (CONTINUED) 68. 71 CONTINUED: 71 HARRY I'm a what? HERMIONE You can talk to snakes. HARRY I know. I mean, I accidentally set a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once. But so what? I bet loads of people here can do it. HERMIONE No. They can't. It's not a very common gift, Harry. This is bad. HARRY What's bad? If I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin -- RON Oh, that's what you said to it. HARRY You were there! You heard me! RON I heard you speaking Parseltongue. Snake language. HARRY I spoke a different language? But I didn't realize -- how can I speak a language without knowing I can? HERMIONE I don't know, Harry. But it sounded like you were egging the snake on or something. It was... creepy. As Gryffindors stream into the room, they eye Harry warily. Even Seamus, Neville, and Dean Thomas walk by without a word. HERMIONE Harry, listen out me. There's a reason the symbol of Slytherin house is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes too. (CONTINUED) 69. 71 CONTINUED: (2) 71 RON Exactly. And now the whole school's going to think you're his great-great-great grandson or something. HARRY But I'm not. I... can't be. HERMIONE He lived a thousand years ago. For all we know... you could be. 72 EXT. HOGWARTS' LANDSCAPE - DAY 72 A heavy snow falls. Harry sits atop one of the towering hills facing Hogwarts. Hedwig sits beside him. HARRY Who am I, Hedwig? What am I? 73 INT. LIBRARY - NIGHT 73 The trio study. Harry, burdened by dark thoughts, looks up at Ron. He smiles at Harry, then, seconds later, Hermione does the same -- something forced about it all. Unable to bear it, Harry gathers his books, gets up from the table. As Harry walks, students glance up, meet his gaze, then look away. Even MADAM PINCE eyes him from her desk. Ginny Weasley, tired and pale, scribbles furiously in a SMALL BLACK BOOK. Harry exits, walks into the hallway and pauses. From inside a room, the VOICES of a group of Hufflepuffs can be heard. ERNIE So, anyway, I told Justin to hide up in our dormitory. I mean to say, if Potter's marked him down as his next victim, it's best he keep a low profile for a while. HANNAH But why would he want to attack Justin? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 70. 73 CONTINUED: 73 ERNIE Justin let it slip to Potter that he was Muggle-born. HANNAH And you definitely think Potter's the Heir of Slytherin? ERNIE Hannah, he's a Parselmouth. Everyone knows that's the mark of a dark wizard. Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes? They called Slytherin himself Serpent-tongue. (whispering darkly) Remember what was written on the wall: Enemies of the Heir Beware. Potter had some sort of run-in with Filch. Next thing we know, Filch's cat's attacked. That first-year Creevey's been annoying Potter. Then Creevey's attacked. HANNAH He always seems so nice, though. And, after all, he is the one who made You Know Who disappear. ERNIE That's probably why You Know Who wanted to kill him in the first place. Didn't want another Dark Lord competing with him. Harry doesn't need to hear anymore. He slips quietly away. 74 INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 74 MUTTERING, Harry storms straight into Hagrid, who stands covered in snow, a DEAD ROOSTER dangling from his hand. HAGRID All righ', Harry? HARRY Hagrid... what're you doing here? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 71. 74 CONTINUED: 74 HAGRID (holding up the rooster) Second one killed this term. Reckon it's either foxes or a Blood-Suckin' Bugbear. Need Dumbledore's permission ter put a charm round the hen-coop. Yeh sure yeh're all righ', Harry? Yeh look all hot an' bothered. HARRY It's nothing. I'd better get going. I've got a lot of studying... 75 INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 75 Harry enters, slows. Up ahead, in the light of a FLICKERING TORCH, something DARK lies. A WINDOWPANE RATTLES in the WIND and the torch... goes out. Harry steps closer, finds... Justin-Finch-Fletchley. Lying rigid on the floor, a look of shock on his frozen face. Nearby, an inert Nearly Headless Nick floats, body teeming with BLACK SMOKE. Kneeling, Harry notices a TRAIL OF SPIDERS scuttling away from Justin's body and out the loose windowpane... when suddenly... ... Harry senses someone watching him, wheels: McGonagall. HARRY Professor, I swear I didn't -- PROFESSOR McGONAGALL This is out of my hands, Potter. Mr. Filch, will you take care of this, please? Harry's eyes shift. Filch lurks in the shadows beyond McGonagall. He steps forward, HISSES QUIETLY. FILCH Caught in the act. I'll have you out this time, Potter. Mark my words... As McGonagall leads Harry away, he looks back. Filch stares at Justin and Nick, then turns. CAMERA DOLLYS AWAY FROM HIM. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 72. 75 CONTINUED: 75 FILCH Dark magic. That's what you've got, Potter. Even the air you breathe comes out poison. You're evil. Evil as they come... 76 INT. GARGOYLE CORRIDOR - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 76 McGonagall marches Harry down to an UGLY STONE GARGOYLE. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Sherbet lemon. The Gargoyle SPRINGS TO LIFE, its wings opening. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you. McGonagall ushers Harry inside. It's an elevator. The Gargoyle's wings close. Harry rises to an upper floor. 77 INT. DUMBLEDORE'S OFFICE - NIGHT 77 Harry steps out of the Gargoyle's embrace and enters a large, circular room. STRANGE SILVER INSTRUMENTS WHIR quietly. On a nearby shelf, the SORTING HAT sits. Harry casts a wary eye at the PAST HEADMASTERS snoozing in the PORTRAITS around him. In the last portrait, the Headmaster is awake, reading a book. He is PROFESSOR DIPPET. Harry approaches the Sorting Hat, glances around, then places it atop his head. SORTING HAT Bee in your bonnet, Potter? HARRY Well, you see, I was wondering... (CONTINUED) 73. 77 CONTINUED: 77 SORTING HAT If I put you in the right house? Yes... you were particularly difficult to place. But I stand by what I said last year... you would have done well in Slytherin. Harry strips the hat off, tosses it back onto the shelf. HARRY You're wrong! The hat sits motionless. Silent. Hearing a GAGGING SOUND, Harry wheels, finds an OLD, DECREPIT BIRD (FAWKES) sitting on a GOLDEN PERCH. It wobbles, then... BURSTS INTO FLAMES. As Dumbledore enters, Harry looks horror- struck. HARRY Professor, your bird... I couldn't do anything... He just caught fire. DUMBLEDORE About time too. He's been looking dreadful for days. Pity you had to see him on a Burning Day. He's really very handsome most of the time. (off Harry's look) Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. Phoenixes burst into flame when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes. Harry looks to the floor. The ASHES swirl. A baby Fawkes pokes out his wrinkled head, blinking through the dust. DUMBLEDORE Fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads, their tears have healing powers, and they make highly faithful pets. Just then, Hagrid -- still clutching the dead rooster -- BURSTS through the door. HAGRID It wasn't Harry, Professor Dumbledore! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 74. 77 CONTINUED: (2) 77 DUMBLEDORE Hagrid -- HAGRID I was talkin' ter 'im jus' before that kid was found. It can't've bin 'im! DUMBLEDORE Hagrid -- HAGRID I'll swear ter it in front o' the Ministry o' Magic -- DUMBLEDORE HAGRID! I do not think that Harry has attacked anyone. HAGRID Oh. Right. I'll wait outside then. As Hagrid exits, Harry looks hopefully at Dumbledore. HARRY You don't think it was me, Professor? DUMBLEDORE No, Harry. But I must ask you... is there anything you'd like to tell me. Anything at all? Dumbledore waits. Harry debates. Finally... HARRY No, Professor. Nothing. 78 EXT. HOGWARTS CASTLE - DAY 78 Students drift into the snow with their trunks, heading home for holiday. As Harry, Ron, and Hermione appear, Ernie and few others cast wary glances. FRED Make way for the Heir of Slytherin! Seriously evil wizard coming through! Ron grins, amused, then sees Harry -- anything but. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 75. 78 CONTINUED: 78 RON Oh, c'mon, Harry. Fred's just having a laugh. HARRY He's the only one. RON Okay, so half the school thinks you're nipping off to the Chamber of Secrets every night. Who cares? HARRY Maybe they're right. HERMIONE (reproachfully) Harry! HARRY (frustrated) I didn't know I could speak Parseltongue. What else don't I know about myself? Maybe you can do something... even something horrible... and not know you did it. HERMIONE You don't believe that, Harry, I know you don't. And if it makes you feel better, I just heard Malfoy's staying over for holiday, too. RON Why would that make anyone feel better? HERMIONE Because, in a few days, the Polyjuice Potion's will be ready. In a few days... we may truly know who is the Heir of Slytherin. 79 INT. GREAT HALL - NIGHT 79 The Christmas Feast. The Hall glimmers grandly as snowflakes tumble from the ceiling. Harry and Ron sit with Hermione. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 75A. 79 CONTINUED: (A1) 79 HERMIONE Everything's set. We just need a bit of who you're changing into. HARRY Crabbe and Goyle. HERMIONE And we also need to make sure that the real Crabbe and Goyle can't burst in on us while we're interrogating Malfoy. RON How? Hermione holds up a pair of SMALL CAKES. HERMIONE I've got it all worked out. I've filled these with a simple Sleeping Draught. Simple, but powerful. Ron glances at Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, who presently are eating everything in front of them. HERMIONE You know how greedy Crabbe and Goyle are. They won't leave the Christmas Feast until every last drop of trifle is gone. (MORE) (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 11/20/01 76. 79 CONTINUED: 79 HERMIONE (CONT'D) Now, once they're asleep, hide them in a broom cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs. RON And whose hair are you ripping out? HERMIONE I've already got mine. She removes a SMALL VIAL. Inside is a TINY HAIR. HERMIONE Millicent Bulstrode. She's in Slytherin. I got this off her robes. (rising) All right then... I'm going to check on the Polyjuice Potion. Hermione points to the cakes in front of her. HERMIONE Remember. Just make sure Crabbe and Goyle find these. Hermione exits. Ron looks at Harry. RON Have you ever heard of a plan where so many things could go wrong? 80 INT. ENTRANCE HALL - NIGHT (A BIT LATER) 80 Harry and Ron, lurking behind a SUIT OF ARMOR, watch Crabbe and Goyle exit the Great Hall. Goyle spies the cakes instantly, perched on the end of one of the banisters. Grabbing them, he reluctantly surrenders one to Crabbe and, in unison, they stuff them into their mouths. They pause. Look at each other. And keel flat onto their backs. Harry and Ron dash out, drag Crabbe and Goyle across the floor and into a cupboard. 81 INT. GIRLS' BATHROOM - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 81 Hermione, wearing a Slytherin robe, hovers over a smoking cauldron. Harry and Ron enter. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 11/20/01 76A. 81 CONTINUED: 81 HERMIONE Did you get it? Harry and Ron hold up their hands. In each: a TUFT OF HAIR. Hermione points to a pair of SLYTHERIN ROBES. HERMIONE I sneaked those out of the laundry. Harry and Ron nod, glance at the cauldron. The potion resembles a thick, dark, bubbling mud. (CONTINUED) 77. 81 CONTINUED: 81 HERMIONE I'm sure I've done everything right. It looks like the book said it should. Once we've drunk it, we'll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves. RON Now what? HERMIONE We separate it into three glasses and add the hairs. Harry and Ron grimace. CUT TO: CLOSEUP - THE POTION being poured into three glasses. CAMERA PULLS BACK. Harry and Ron have changed into the Slytherin robes. All three raise their glasses. Drop the hairs. The potion turns shades of YELLOW, BROWN, and KHAKI. RON Ugh. Essence of Crabbe... They nod. DRINK. Ron swallows grimly, doubles over. RON Think I'm gonna be sick... He runs into a stall. Harry looks sick, steps to a CRACKED MIRROR. Hermione pauses. Looks worried. Something's wrong... INSIDE THE STALL: Ron bends over the toilet, watches his reflection morph into Crabbe. IN THE CRACKED MIRROR: Harry watches his face contort into the thick features of Goyle. Hermione looks at her arm. Patches of fur begin to spread across her wrist and hand. Terrified, she RUNS into a stall. Ron emerges from his stall, a dead ringer for Crabbe. (CONTINUED) 78. 81 CONTINUED: (2) 81 RON Harry? HARRY Ron? RON Bloody hell. HARRY We still sound like ourselves. You need to sound more like Crabbe. RON (adjusts voice) Bloody hell. HARRY Lower. RON (lower still) Bloody hell. HARRY Less intelligent. RON (dumbing it down) Bloody hell. HARRY Excellent. RON Hey... Where's Hermione? HERMIONE (O.S.) (from the stall) I -- I don't think I'm going. You go on without me. HARRY Hermione, are you okay? HERMIONE (O.S.) Just go! You're wasting time! 82 OMITTED 82 THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 79. 83 EXT. MARBLE STAIRCASE - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 83 Harry and Ron hurry down the staircase. RON Don't swing your arms like that. Crabbe holds them sort of stiff. Harry goes a bit more "Neanderthal." RON Yeah. That's better. 84 GLOOMY CORRIDOR/DUNGEONS - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 84 Harry and Ron move quickly, when... FOOTSTEPS sound. Seconds later, Percy appears at the end of the corridor. RON What are you doing here? Percy squints, confused by Ron's voice. Harry elbows Ron, who clears his throat and speaks in a lower voice. RON What are you doing here? PERCY I happen to be a prefect. You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at night. It's not safe these days. Harry and Ron NOD, afraid to speak. Percy squints again. PERCY What're your names again? DRACO Crabbe. Goyle. Where have you been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time? Draco is walking towards them, glances witheringly at Percy. DRACO And what are you doing down here, Weasley? PERCY Mind your attitude, Malfoy. You want to show a little bit more respect to a school Prefect! (CONTINUED) 80. 84 CONTINUED: 84 DRACO Come on, boys. Weasley thinks he's going to catch Slytherin's hair single-handed. Percy steams. Draco sneers, walks off with Harry and Ron. 85 OMITTED 85 86 INT. SLYTHERIN COMMON ROOM - NIGHT (LATER) 86 Harry and Ron trail Draco inside, glance around warily. DRACO Listen to this... Draco grabs The Daily Prophet, reads the front page. DRACO 'Arthur Weasley, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, was today fined fifty Galleons for bewitching a Muggle car. "Weasley has brought the Ministry into disrepute," said Lucius Malfoy, a governor of Hogwarts. "He is clearly unfit to draw up our laws and his ridiculous Muggle Protection Act should be scrapped immediately."' Grinning, Malfoy glances over the paper at Harry and Ron. DRACO Arthur Weasley loves Muggle so much he should snap his wand in half and go join them. You'd never know the Weasleys were purebloods, the way they behave. Embarrassment to the wizarding world. All of them. Ron growls. Harry elbows him. Draco looks surprised. DRACO What's up with you, Crabbe? RON (low voice) Stomachache. (CONTINUED) 81. 86 CONTINUED: 86 DRACO Well, go to the hospital wing and give all those Mudbloods a kick in the arse for me! You know, I'm surprised The Daily Prophet hasn't reported all these attacks yet. I suppose Dumbledore's trying to hush it all up. He'll be sacked if it doesn't stop soon. Father always said Dumbledore's the worst thing that's ever happened to this place. HARRY You're wrong! DRACO What? Did you say that I was wrong? You think there's someone here who's worse than Dumbledore? Ron stiffens. Worried. Harry thinks, then: HARRY Harry Potter. DRACO (grinning) Good one, Goyle. You're absolutely right. Saint Potter. He's another one with no proper wizard feeling, or he wouldn't go around with that Mudblood Granger. And people actually think he's the Heir of Slytherin. Harry and Ron exchange a glance. Harry leans closer to Draco. HARRY Then you must have some idea who's behind it all? DRACO You know I haven't, Goyle. How many times do I have to tell you? But my father did say this much: It's been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it -- only that they were expelled -- but I know this: the last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 82. 86 CONTINUED: (2) 86 DRACO (CONT'D) So it's only a matter of time before one of them's killed this time. As for me... I hope it's Granger. As Malfoy grins, Ron's fist rises... when Harry stops him. DRACO What's the matter with you two? You're acting very... odd. RON Ho! Harry turns, sees Ron staring wide-eyed: Harry's SCAR is beginning to surface beneath the skin of Goyle's thick forehead. And Crabbe's hair is... turning RED. They both JUMP to their feet, DASHING out of the room. DRACO Hey! Where are you going? 87 INT. ENTRANCE HALL - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 87 As Harry and Ron race toward the stairs, the BROOM CLOSET bursts open and a woozy Crabbe and Goyle stagger out. They freeze -- watch themselves run up the staircase. 88 INT. SECOND FLOOR CORRIDOR - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 88 Harry and Ron sprint toward the desecrated wall, their bodies metamorphosing, until, finally, as they hit the door... 89 INT. GIRLS BATHROOM - NIGHT 89 ... They are fully themselves once more. RON That was close! HARRY Hermione, come out. We've got loads to tell you! HERMIONE Go away! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 83. 89 CONTINUED: 89 As Harry and Ron exchange a puzzled glance, Moaning Myrtle spirals INTO VIEW, looking disturbingly... happy. MOANING MYRTLE Ooh, wait till you see. It's awful! The stall's lock slides back. The door opens slowly. HERMIONE (O.S.) Do you remember me telling you the Polyjuice Potion was only for human transformations...? Even in shadow, they can see: Hermione's face is covered in FUR, her eyes YELLOW, and POINTED EARS poke through her hair. HERMIONE It was cat hair I plucked off Millicent Bulstrode's robes! Look at my face! RON Look at your tail. 90 INT. HOSPITAL WING - DAY (TWO WEEKS LATER) 90 Staggering under the weight of the LIBRARY BOOKS in their arms, Harry and Ron make their way to Hermione's bed, which is covered in... BOOKS. HERMIONE Oh, good. Put those anywhere. They look. There is no anywhere. So they just... drop them. RON Madam Pince asked that we relay a message to you, Hermione: She'd appreciate it if you'd leave a few books for the rest of the school. HERMIONE I've got to keep up, haven't I? Just then, Hermione's tail twitches INTO VIEW. RON Is that thing ever going away? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 84. 90 CONTINUED: 90 HERMIONE Any day now, according to Madam Pomfrey. I'm just thankful I've stopped coughing up fur balls. RON We all are, believe me. HERMIONE Now. What about the Chamber of Secrets? Any new leads? HARRY Nothing. HERMIONE And has it gotten any better? I mean... is anyone speaking to you? HARRY Neville asked to borrow a tubeworm in Potions yesterday. I suppose that's something. Ron takes a GET-WELL CARD from under Hermione's pillow. RON 'To Miss Granger. Wishing you a speedy recovery, from your concerned teacher Gilderoy Lockhart.' You sleep with this under your pillow? HERMIONE Of course not. I don't know how that got there. Now go. I still have six hundred pages to read in Transformation Through the Ages. 91 OMITTED 91 92 EXT. SECOND-FLOOR CORRIDOR - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 92 Harry and Ron mount the stairs, emerge. RON I know Hermione's mental, but can you believe she falls for that smarmy nonsense of Lockhart's? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 84A. 92 CONTINUED: 92 They stop. Look down. A GREAT FLOOD OF WATER streams from the Girls' Bathroom. From within, MYRTLE can be heard MOANING. HARRY Looks like Myrtle's flooded the bathroom. As Harry sploshes off toward the bathroom, Ron steps lightly. RON Yuck. 93 INT. GIRLS BATHROOM - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 93 HUGE, WRACKING MOANS echo off the dreary tile. All the taps are running, streaming like tiny waterfalls. As Harry and Ron step to the last cubicle, Myrtle spins accusingly. (CONTINUED) 85. 93 CONTINUED: 93 MOANING MYRTLE Come to throw something else at me? HARRY Why would I throw something at you? MOANING MYRTLE Don't ask me. Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me... RON But it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean, it'd just go right through you, wouldn't it? MOANING MYRTLE Oh sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle, because she can't feel it! Ten points if you can get it through her stomach. Fifty points if it goes through her head! HARRY Who threw it at you anyway? MOANING MYRTLE I don't know. I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the U-bend, thinking about death and it fell through the top of my head. Harry sees a SMALL BLACK BOOK on the floor. Picks it up. RON Fifty points if you can get it through her nose. MOANING MYRTLE I HEARD THAT! Harry and Ron dash out. 94 INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 94 Harry examines the book as he and Ron walk. HARRY This is a diary. And it's old... (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/9/02 86. 94 CONTINUED: 94 RON It's a diary, it's old... and was most recently in a toilet, Harry. Harry starts to open it... when Ron grabs his hand. RON Are you mad? That could be cursed. Dad once told me about a book the Ministry confiscated that burned the eyes out of anyone who tried to read it. HARRY I'll take my chances... (opening it) Ahhh! MY EYES! MY EYES! Ron freezes, terrified, when... Harry grins, ending the ruse. At the end of corridor, Ginny stands, looking from the diary to Harry -- utter terror on her face -- then dashes off. HARRY Ginny! I was only joking -- Brilliant. Even your sister thinks I'm the monster now. RON Who doesn't? Ron frowns suddenly. On the first page on the diary, EMBOSSED LETTERS spell out a name: TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE. RON Tin Marvolo Riddle? Hang on. I know that name... (thinking, then) Of course! The night I had detention... My job was to polish the silver in the trophy room. I remember because I kept burping slugs all over Tom Riddle's trophy. I must have wiped slime off his name for an hour. Harry fans the pages. They're empty. HARRY That's odd. He never wrote in it. 95 INT. HOSPITAL WING - LATER THAT NIGHT 95 CLOSEUP: DIARY. A GOLD EMBOSSED ADDRESS on the back reads: WAXFLATTER'S BOOKSELLERS. 422 VAUXHALL ROAD. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/9/02 87. 95 CONTINUED: 95 CAMERA PULLS BACK. Harry sits with Hermione in the moonlit room. Hermione studies the diary curiously. HERMIONE Tom Riddle... Hm. And Ron said he won an award fifty years ago? HARRY Special Services to the School or something -- HERMIONE Fifty years ago? You're sure? HARRY Yes. Why? HERMIONE Don't you remember what Malfoy told you? The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened was -- HARRY Fifty years ago! That means -- HERMIONE Tom Riddle was here, at Hogwarts, when it happened. What if he wrote about what he saw? It's possible he knew where the Chamber was, how to open it, even what sort of creature lives in it. If so, whoever's behind the attacks this time wouldn't want a diary like this lying around, would they? HARRY That's a brilliant theory, Hermione. With just one tiny little flaw. There's nothing written in this diary. HERMIONE It might be invisible ink. (pulls out her wand) Aparecium! She taps the diary three times. Nothing happens. The pages remain BLANK. She frowns, passes the book back to Harry. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 88. 95 CONTINUED: (2) 95 HERMIONE I don't know, Harry. But I think you should be careful with this. Something tells me Ron might be right. It could be dangerous. HARRY You don't think I'm dangerous, do you, Hermione? I mean, you're not scared. Of me. HERMIONE I'm scared, Harry. But not of you. 96 INT. GRYFFINDOR DORMITORY/COMMON ROOM - NIGHT (LATER) 96 CAMERA STARTS OVERHEAD, looking down on the boys' dormitory. Seamus, Neville, Ron and Dean sleep. One bed is empty. CAMERA CRANES TO the Common Room, finds Harry sitting alone, flipping through the blank pages of the diary. Harry starts to set the diary aside, then notices a BOTTLE OF INK sitting on the desk. An idea flickers. Taking his QUILL, Harry dips it, and hesitates. As he does, a DROP of INK hangs, suspended like a tear, then... DROPS. The ink BLAZES briefly, then... VANISHES... as if it were sucked into the page. Excited, Harry dips his quill again, and, this time, writes: My name is Harry Potter. The words blaze, VANISH. Slowly, oozing out of the page, comes a response: Hello, Harry Potter. My name is Tom Riddle. Harry's mind races. Deciding, he MUTTERS the words he writes: HARRY Do... you... know... anything... about... the... Chamber... of... Secrets? Yes. HARRY Can... you... tell... me? No. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 89. 96 CONTINUED: 96 Harry frowns. Then... slowly... new words ooze to the surface. But I can show you... Harry waits, intrigued. Then, suddenly... The pages FLUTTER WILDLY, stop on "June the 13th." On the page, a TINY SQUARE SHIMMERS... like a WINDOW. Harry lifts the book, puts his eye close and... PITCHES FORWARD, spilling through the widening window, into a WHIRL of COLOR and SHADOW, tumbling onto his feet... 97 INT. CORRIDOR/ENTRANCE HALL - NIGHT (FIFTY YEARS AGO) 97 ... in torch-lit corridor. Everything is de-saturated, save for Harry, who retains the true, rich colors of the present. He glances about, disoriented, then spies a BOY (TOM RIDDLE) at the end of the corridor, peering around a corner. A FLURRY of SHADOWS dances on the wall beyond the boy, revealing the presence of others, unseen, in an adjoining room. As Harry advances, LOW VOICES emanate from the shadows. As he reaches the boy, Harry speaks in a WHISPER: HARRY Excuse me. Could you tell me where I am? Hello...? The boy doesn't respond, eyes staked to the activity in the adjoining room... which Harry sees now is the Entrance Hall. A group of ELDER WITCHES and WIZARDS -- Hogwarts Professors -- talk amongst themselves, then... abruptly go silent. Make way for two YOUNG WIZARDS, bearing a STRETCHER. VOICE (O.S.) Riddle. The boy wheels... and looks right through Harry. Harry turns, too. It's Dumbledore... fifty years younger. TOM RIDDLE Professor Dumbledore. DUMBLEDORE It's not wise to be wandering around this late, Tom. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 90. 97 CONTINUED: 97 TOM RIDDLE Yes, Professor. I suppose I -- I just had to see for myself, if... Riddle glances toward the young wizards, watches them carry the stretcher out of the Hall, into the night. TOM RIDDLE ... the rumors were true. DUMBLEDORE I'm afraid they are, Tom. TOM RIDDLE About the school as well? They wouldn't really close Hogwarts, would they, Professor? DUMBLEDORE Headmaster Dippet may have no choice, I'm afraid. TOM RIDDLE Sir? If it all stopped. If the person responsible was caught... DUMBLEDORE Is there something you wish to tell me, Tom? TOM RIDDLE (a long beat) No, sir. Nothing. Dumbledore studies Riddle for a moment. DUMBLEDORE Very well then. Hurry along. Dumbledore strides directly past Harry, not seeing him. When he is gone, Riddle moves quickly, toward the dungeon steps. 98 OMITTED 98 & & 99 99 100 INT. CORRIDOR - DUNGEONS - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 100 Up ahead, a SPLINTER of LIGHT leaks through a DOOR. Riddle puts his eye to the crack. Inside, someone is SPEAKING. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 91. 100 CONTINUED: 100 VOICE (O.S.) C'mon, Aragog. Gotta get yeh outta here... C'mon now.. in the box... As Riddle pushes the door clear, Harry sees a second, smaller room. Crouched by a BOX, is a huge boy... YOUNG HAGRID. A STRANGE CLICKING comes from the BOX. TOM RIDDLE Evening, Hagrid. Hagrid SLAMS the door shut. TOM RIDDLE I'm going to have to turn you in, Hagrid. I don't think you meant it to kill anyone -- YOUNG HAGRID No, yeh can't! Yeh don' understand! TOM RIDDLE Hagrid. The dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow. The least Hogwarts can do is make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered. YOUNG HAGRID It wasn' him! Aragog never'd kill no one! Never! RIDDLE Monsters don't make good pets, Hagrid. Now... stand aside... Riddle draws his wand, BLASTS the closed DOOR off its hinges, extinguishing the torches within. Harry GASPS. A low-slung CREATURE with a tangle of black legs, a gleam of many eyes and a pair of razor-sharp pincers, scuttles out of the shadows. As Riddle points his wand at it, Hagrid LEAPS... YOUNG HAGRID Noooooo! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 92. 100 CONTINUED: (2) 100 As they tumble to the floor, the entire ROOM WHIRLS off its axis, spinning, and Harry finds himself plummeting through color and shadow again, falling flat on his back to... ... the floor of the Gryffindor Common Room, the ceiling above spinning, slowly, to a stop. Harry rises, dashes upstairs. 100A INT. BOYS' DORMITORY - NIGHT 100A Harry rushes to Ron, shakes him awake, WHISPERING INTENSELY. HARRY Ron! Ron! RON What? What's happened...? HARRY It was Hagrid. Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago. 100B EXT. HOGWARTS - ESTABLISHING SHOT - DAY 100B CAMERA SOARS high over the castle, as below, students hurry to their classes. Finally, it FINDS: 101 OMITTED 101 102 EXT./INT. HOGWARTS GROUNDS - DAY (LATER) 102 Harry, Ron and Hermione walking together across the grounds. HERMIONE It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be. RON We don't even know this Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me. HARRY The monster had killed someone, Ron. What would any of us done? HERMIONE Look. Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go ask him about it? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 93. 102 CONTINUED: 102 RON That'd be a cheerful visit. Hullo, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately? HAGRID Mad an' hairy? Wouldn' be talkin' 'bou me, now would yeh? The trio wheels, spots Hagrid grinning at them. They instantly look guilty. HARRY/RON/HERMIONE No! Hagrid looks at them curiously. Harry nods to the STRANGE CANISTER in his hand. HARRY What's that you've got, Hagrid? HAGRID Flesh-Eatin' Slug Repellent. Fer the Mandrakes, yeh know. Accordin' ter Professor Sprout, they still got a bit o' growin' up ter do, but once their acne clears up, we'll be able to chop 'em up, stew 'em, an' get those people in the hospital un-Petrified. 'Til then, you three best watch yerselves, all righ'? They nod, watch Hagrid lope away. Just then, Neville comes running up. He looks pale with fright. NEVILLE Harry, I don't know who did it, but... you'd better come. THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 94. 103 OMITTED 103 104 INT. GRYFFINDOR TOWER DORMITORY - DAY 104 Harry's space is a disaster: trunk riffled, drawers flung open, bedclothes strewn on the floor. HERMIONE It had to be a Gryffindor. Nobody else knows our password. Unless, it wasn't a student... (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 95. 104 CONTINUED: 104 RON Well, whoever it was, they were looking for something. HARRY And they found it... Tom Riddle's diary is gone. 105 EXT. HOGWARTS GROUNDS - DAY 105 Students stream into the Quidditch Stadium. 105A INT. MARBLE STAIRCASE - DAY 105A Harry, dressed in his Quidditch robes, dashes down the staircase with Ron and Hermione. Down below, Ron spies Ginny. RON Hey, Ginny! Going to the match? Ginny looks up, startled, then shakes her head and exits. RON I tell you, she gets weirder and weirder by the day... VOICE (O.S.) Kill this time... Let me rip... Tear. Harry freezes. Ron and Hermione stop, knowing by his face... RON No... don't tell me... Harry turns, as if following the SOUND, absently touching his fingers to the wall as he glances around. Hermione studies him with great interest -- STUDIES HIS FINGERS -- then, abruptly, Harry turns away, shakes his head: it's gone. Hermione looks up, eyes vaguely upon Harry, but her mind miles away. HERMIONE Harry... I think I've just understood something! I've got to go to the library! As Hermione sprints back up the stairs, Harry YELLS. HARRY What do you understand! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER 0F SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 96. 105A CONTINUED: 105A But she's gone. Harry turns to Ron in puzzlement. HARRY The library? RON That's Hermione. When in doubt, go to the library 106 EXT. REAR OF QUIDDITCH STADIUM - DAY (LATER) 106 Harry and his teammates march toward the Quidditch tower. The CHEERS of the CROWD are heard. WOOD Listen up now. We play our game, Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance. We're stronger, quicker, smarter. GEORGE Not to mention they're dead terrified Harry'll Petrify them if they fly anywhere near him. WOOD That, too. Just then, Professor McGonagall appears, barring their way. WOOD Professor McGonagall -- PROFESSOR McGONAGALL This match has been cancelled. WOOD Cancelled! They can't cancel Quidditch -- PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Silence, Wood! You will return to Gryffindor Tower now. Potter, you and I will find Mr. Weasley. There's something the both of you need to see. 107 INT. HOSPITAL WING - DAY 107 McGonagall pauses outside the door, turns to Harry and Ron. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER 0F SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 97. 107 CONTINUED: 107 PROFESSOR McGONAGALL I warn you. This will be a bit of a shock. She opens the door. Madam Pomfrey is leaning over a bed where a girl lies. As she straightens up, we see the girl is... RON Hermione! PROFESSOR McGONAGALL She was found near the library. Along with this. Does it mean anything to either of you? She holds up a SMALL CIRCULAR MIRROR. Harry shakes his head. McGonagall nods gravely, leads them out. As they go, the CAMERA DRIFTS to HERMIONE'S HAND. Clinched tight in her stiff knuckles, barely visible, is... a PIECE OF PAPER. 108 INT. GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM - NIGHT 108 McGonagall reads from a PARCHMENT to the somber Gryffindors. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock in the evening. You will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions. (rolling up the parchment) I should tell you all this. Unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely that the school will be closed. McGonagall turns, exits. Instantly, as one, the students begin to talk amongst themselves. Neville speaks up. NEVILLE Haven't any of the teachers noticed that the Slytherins are all safe? Isn't it obvious all this stuff's coming from Slytherin? The Heir of Slytherin, the monster of Slytherin -- why don't they just chuck all the Slytherins out? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER 0F SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 98. 108 CONTINUED: 108 SEAMUS They can't close Hogwarts. Where would we all go? DEAN THOMAS I don't care what anyone says. As long as Dumbledore's here, Hogwarts will be here. Harry WHISPERS to Ron. HARRY We've got to talk to Hagrid, Ron. I can't believe it's him. But if he did set the monster loose last time -- even by accident -- he'll know how to get inside the Chamber of Secrets. And that's a start. RON But you heard McGonagall. We're not allowed to leave the tower except for class -- HARRY I think it's time to get my Dad's old Cloak out again. 109 INT. TOWER DORMITORY - NIGHT (LATER) 109 CLOSEUP: A drawer opens, a HAND reaches in, takes the INVISIBILITY CLOAK. CAMERA PULLS BACK, REVEALS Ron and Harry. All around them, the other boys sleep. Harry pitches the cloak over himself and Ron. They're gone. 110 OMITTED 110 & & 111 111 112 INT. ENTRANCE HALL - NIGHT 112 Harry and Ron, beneath the cloak, sneak by an unaware Snape. 112A OMITTED 112A 99. 113 EXT. HAGRID'S HUT - NIGHT 113 A KNOCK. Hagrid swings open the door. Crossbow in hand. HAGRID Who's there? Harry and Ron drop the cloak. Hagrid lowers the crossbow. 114 INT. HAGRID'S HUT - NIGHT 114 FANG, Hagrid's enormous BOARHOUND, THUMPS HIS TAIL at the sight of Harry and Ron. Harry points to the crossbow. HARRY What's that for? HAGRID Nothin', nothin'. I've been expectin'... Doesn't matter. Sit down... I'll make tea... Hagrid nervously takes the kettle, spills the water.. HARRY Are you okay? Hagrid? Did you hear about Hermione? HAGRID Oh, yea. I heard, all righ'. HARRY Look... we have to ask you something. Do you know who's opened the Chamber of Secrets? Hagrid takes a fruit cake, stops, about to answer, when... there is a LOUD KNOCK. The fruitcake SMASHES to the floor. Panicked, Harry and Ron throw the cloak over themselves. Sweating, Hagrid grabs his crossbow, points it at the door. HAGRID C-come in. The door opens. A grim Dumbledore enters, followed by a portly man in a pin-stripe suit and bowler: CORNELIUS FUDGE. DUMBLEDORE Good evening, Hagrid. (CONTINUED) 100. 114 CONTINUED: 114 RON (whispering to Harry) That's Dad's boss! Cornelius Fudge. The Minister of Magic! Harry elbows Ron to shut him up. FUDGE Bad business, Hagrid. Very bad business. Had to come. Four attacks on Muggle-borns. Things've gone far enough. Ministry's got to act. HAGRID I never... You know I never, Professor Dumbledore, sir... DUMBLEDORE I want it understood, Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence. FUDGE Look, Albus, Hagrid's record's against him. I've got to take him. HAGRID Take me? Where? Not Azkaban prison. FUDGE For a short stretch only. Not a punishment, Hagrid. More a precaution. If someone else is caught, you'll be released with a full apology. Just then, there is a SHARP RAP on the door. As Dumbledore opens it, Harry slumps. It's Lucius Malfoy. LUCIUS MALFOY Already here, Fudge? Good, good... HAGRID What're you doin' here! Get outta my house! (CONTINUED) 101. 114 CONTINUED: (2) 114 LUCIUS MALFOY My dear man, please believe me, I have no pleasure at all in being inside your -- do you call this a house? I simply called at the school and was told the Headmaster was here. DUMBLEDORE And what exactly did you want with me, Lucius? LUCIUS MALFOY Dreadful thing, Dumbledore, but the governors feel it's time for you to step aside. This is an Order of Suspension. You'll find all twelve signatures on it. I'm afraid we feel you're losing your touch. What with all these attacks, there'll be no Muggle- borns left at Hogwarts. And we all know what an awful loss that would be. Malfoy hands Fudge an OFFICIAL ROLL of PARCHMENT. FUDGE Now, see here, Lucius. Dumbledore suspended. No, no... last thing we want right now... If Dumbledore can't stop these attacks... I mean to say, who can? LUCIUS MALFOY That remains to be seen, but as all twelve governors have voted -- HAGRID An' how many did yeh have ter threaten before they agreed! LUCIUS MALFOY I would advise you not to shout at the Azkaban guards like that. HAGRID Yeh can take Dumbledore! Take him away an' the Muggle-borns won' stand a chance! There'll be killin's next! (CONTINUED) 102. 114 CONTINUED: (3) 114 DUMBLEDORE Calm yourself, Hagrid! (steely-eyed) If the governors want my removal, Lucius, I shall of course step aside. However... you will find that I will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to me. You will also find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who... ask for it. Dumbledore's eyes drift -- unmistakably -- to Harry. LUCIUS MALFOY Admirable sentiments. We shall all miss your highly individual way of running things, Albus, and only hope your successor will manage to prevent any more, um, killin's. Malfoy strides to the door and bows Dumbledore out. Fudge, fiddling with his bowler, waits for Hagrid. Instead, Hagrid stands his ground, takes a deep breath and says carefully... HAGRID If anyone wanted ter find out some stuff, all they'd have ter do is follow the spiders. That'd lead 'em right! Tha's all I'm sayin'. Fudge stares at Hagrid in amazement, then follows him out. As the door SLAMS SHUT, FANG starts to HOWL, scratching at the closed door. Harry and Ron emerge from the cloak. RON Hagrid's right. With Dumbledore gone, there'll be an attack a day. HARRY Look... At the windowsill, a TRAIL OF SPIDERS escapes through a crack in the glass. Harry grabs Hagrid's LANTERN. HARRY C'mon. 103. 115 OMITTED 115 thru thru 118 118 119 EXT. HAGRID'S HUT - NIGHT 119 Harry illuminates the TRAIL OF SPIDERS. They run from the window to the ground, to the dark trees in the near distance. As Harry moves to follow, Ron hesitates. RON What are you doing? HARRY You heard Hagrid. Follow the spiders. RON They're heading into the Dark Forest. Harry sighs, heads off. Terrified, Ron grabs Fang, follows. RON Why spiders. Why couldn't it be 'Follow the butterflies'? 120 OMITTED 120 121 EXT. DARK FOREST - NIGHT 121 Fang crashes through low-slung branches and sharp brambles as Harry follows. Ron gingerly picks his way, the JUMPS... as FANG HOWLS. BRANCHES SNAP. A RUMBLING NOISE sounds, then... SILENCE. Harry spies something, points O.S. HARRY There's something moving over there... something big. Just then a BLAZE of LIGHT splinters the trees, blinding them. They start to flee... when Ron stops. RON Harry!... Harry, it's our car! Scratched and mud-smeared, with bits of earth and grass sprouting from its headlamps and hubcaps -- the Ford Anglia looks half-animal. Ron circles it in wonder. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER 0F SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 104. 121 CONTINUED: 121 HARRY It's been here all the time! Look at it. The Forest has turned it wild. Harry nods, then glances back up the slope. HARRY C'mon, we don't want to lose the trail. 121A EXT. SPIDERS' HOLLOW - NIGHT 121A Harry and Ron enter a hollow ribboned with shadows. Enormous trees tower over them, strewn with strands of white webbing. Ron steps on a strand, kicks it off queasily. Harry peers up ahead: at the far end of the hollow, the spiders stream toward a DARK OPENING. As Harry and Ron approach the opening, a CLICKING SOUND emanates from within, ECHOING in the branches of the tall trees. GROWING LOUDER. Ron falters, glancing about nervously. RON I don't have a good feeling about this, Harry -- HARRY Don't panic. As Harry steps to the mouth of the cavern, the AIR suddenly CRACKLES with MOVEMENT. TWIGS SNAP. A HUGE SHADOW emerges, slowly engulfs Harry. He peers up. SEES: An ANCIENT SPIDER (ARAGOG), the size of a small elephant. As it advances, Harry and Ron back slowly away. Then: its BLIND EYES catch the light, and it STOPS. As if... listening. ARAGOG You do not come from the forest. Your hearts beat like... men. HARRY (breathing finally) Yes. We're friends of Hagrid's. And you... you're... (as it comes to him) ... Aragog, aren't you? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER 0F SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 105. 121A CONTINUED: 121A Hearing this, Aragog's head turns slightly. ARAGOG Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before. HARRY He's in trouble. Up at school, there've been attacks. They think it's Hagrid. They think he's opened the Chamber of Secrets. Like before. As Harry talks, Ron's eyes dart warily about, then... RON'S POV - a pair of long legs -- SPIDER'S LEGS -- curl slowly around the trunk of the tree to his left. Terrified, Ron NUDGES Harry, but Harry ignores him. ARAGOG That's a lie! Hagrid never opend the Chamber of Secrets! HARRY But if Hagrid never... that means... you're not the monster. ARAGOG The monster was born in the castle. I came from a distant land, in the pocket of a traveler. Ron turns. TWO CRAWLING SILHOUETTES inch forward. Pause. Waiting. Watching. RON Harry... HARRY Shhh! (to Aragog) But if you're not the monster, what did kill that girl fifty years ago? ARAGOG We do not speak of it! It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others. HARRY But have you seen it? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER 0F SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 106. 121A CONTINUED: (2) 121A A SCRABBLING SOUND ECHOES above Ron. He GLANCES UP: a SPIDER crouches on a branch above. ARAGOG I never saw any part of the castle but the cupboard in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was discovered in a bathroom. When I was accused, Hagrid brought me here. More SCRABBLING. Ron looks up. We PAN UP with him. SEE: SPIDERS -- in high and low branches -- DROPPING DOWNWARD like paratroopers. Ron GRABS Harry. HARRY (annoyed) What! Ron points. Harry looks. Pales. Turns slowly back to Aragog. HARRY Well... thank you. We'll just go... ARAGOG Go? I think not. My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid, on my command. But I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Goodbye, friend of Hagrid. Aragog turns, disappears into the shadows of the cavern. RON Can we panic now? CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! Harry and Ron SPIN. A GANG of FIVE-FOOT SPIDERS bar the path ahead. Begin to move forward. Harry and Ron SPIN again: SPIDERS. Everywhere. CLOSING IN. Desperately, Harry swings the LANTERN in his hand. The spiders falter, then CREEP FORWARD again as the ARC of the LIGHT chases itself away. Around and around. Then: The LANTERN goes out. Harry pitches it aside. As one, he and Ron draw their wands. RON Nice knowing you. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 106A. 121A CONTINUED: (3) 121A They're done for. Fang WHIMPERS. The spiders draw closer, CLICKING FEVERISHLY, when... ... a LONG, LOUD HORN BLEATS. Seconds later, a BLAZE of LIGHT ignites the hollow and the FORD ANGLIA comes THUNDERING over the rim and down the slope, KNOCKING SPIDERS OUT OF ITS PATH. As it SCREECHES to a halt, the DOORS FLING OPEN. HARRY Let's go! Harry, Ron and Fang LEAP INSIDE. Ron SHIFTS FRANTICALLY. A SPIDER appears at Harry's open window. HARRY THE WINDOWS! ROLL UP THE WINDOWS! RON (trying) I CAN'T! IT'S STUCK! Just then, a hairy leg reaches through Ron's window. Instantly, Ron HITS the gas, throws the car into REVERSE. Spiders scatter, but the TWO clinging to the side windows hold tight. As the CAR ZOOMS BACKWARDS out of the hollow, Harry rolls his window tight, SNAPPING OFF his SPIDER'S LEGS. 121B EXT. ANOTHER PART OF THE FOREST - NIGHT 121B The Anglia jets out of the hollow, lands with a THUD. Harry turns. The other spider is PULLING RON from the car. Harry points his wand, utters a spell and a BLINDING FLASH OF WHITE LIGHT BLASTS the spider into the shadows whipping past. RON Thanks for that. (CONTINUED) 107. 121B CONTINUED: 121B HARRY Don't mention it. They stop. Both hear it: a DISTANT CLICKING. As the car flies over a ridge, they see them: a SEA OF SPIDERS heading straight for them like a herd of raging wildebeest. Ron puts his foot to the floor, SPINS the wheel and sends the car sliding away. The spiders STAMPEDE after. 121C EXT. ANOTHER PART OF THE FOREST - BLACK PARK - NIGHT 121C The Anglia SLALOMS through the forest, skimming past trees as the spiders CHARGE after. Harry peers ahead, SEES an area of FALLEN TREES. There is an OPENING, one narrow escape route. HARRY That way! It's the only way out! (looking back) Hurry! They're catching up! Ron JAMS the accelerator... just as a GIANT TARANTULA drops in front of the escape route. Harry and Ron are as good as dead. HARRY Can you get us in the air? RON (jostling the gear stick) Flying gear's jammed! The spiders behind DRAW CLOSER. The TARANTULA waits ahead. Harry claps his hand over Ron's on the gear shift, pushing. The tarantula's pincers open, ready to kill, when... the GEAR SHIFT GIVES, the Anglia's wheels LIFT and the CAR FLIES OVER CAMERA, leaving the furious spiders below. The car barely avoids the rearing tarantula, then sails over the trees. 121D EXT. HAGRID'S HUT - NIGHT 121D As they LAND, Fang bolts free. Harry and Ron exit the CAR wearily, then watch it turn and RUMBLE BACK INTO THE FOREST. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 108. 121D CONTINUED: 121D RON 'Follow the spiders'! Follow the spiders'! If he ever gets out of Azkaban, I'll kill Hagrid. I mean, what was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out? HARRY We know one thing. Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets. He was innocent. 122 OMITTED 122 thru thru 122C 122C 123 INT. HOSPITAL WING - DAY 123 Madam Pomfrey bars the door, frowns at Harry and Ron. MADAM POMFREY There's no point in talking to a petrified person. She won't hear a word you're saying. Ron shifts uncomfortably. RON We know that, Madam Pomfrey. It's just, well, you see, we thought, maybe, we could... be with her for a bit. She's our... friend, you see, and... even if she can't hear us... I mean, it can't hurt, can it? A glint of sympathy flickers in Pomfrey's eyes. MADAM POMFREY Very well then. But be quick about it. As she exits, the boys step to her bed. Absently, Ron picks up the circular mirror that lies on the nightstand. Eyes Lockhart's Get Well card. RON You don't think Lockhart could be the heir of Slytherin, do you? (off Harry's look) Right. Forget I said it. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 109. 123 CONTINUED: 123 Harry studies Hermione's face. HARRY Wish you were here, Hermione. We need you. Now more than ever... Just then, the mirror in Ron's hand CATCHES the LATE AFTERNOON SUNLIGHT and casts a jagged FLAME across Hermione's hand. Harry watches the light dance over her fingers... then looks closer. Sees the paper clutched there. 124 INT. CORRIDOR - DUSK (LATER) 124 Harry and Ron duck into an alcove, take out the CRINKLED paper, which, we see now, is TORN from a library book. HARRY 'Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the Basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meet this giant serpent's eye. Spiders flee before it and only the crowing of the rooster can kill it.' (looking up) Ron! This is it! The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk. That's why I can hear it speak. It's a snake. RON But it kills by looking people in the eye. Why is it no one's dead? Harry frowns, contemplating this, then catches he and Ron's REFLECTION in the window opposite. He mutters SOFTLY: HARRY Because no one did look it in the eye. Not directly at least... (in a rush) Colin saw it through his camera. Justin -- Justin must've seen the Basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick! Nick got the full blast of it, but he's a ghost -- he couldn't die again... (MORE) (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 110. 124 CONTINUED: 124 HARRY (CONT'D) ... And Hermione... had the mirror! I bet you anything she was using it to look round corners, in case it came along. RON And Mrs. Norris? I'm pretty sure she didn't have a camera or a mirror, Harry. HARRY The water... there was water on the floor that night. She only saw the Basilisk's reflection... (scanning the page again) The crowing of the rooster is fatal to it! That's why Hagrid's roosters were killed! Spiders flee before it! It all fits! RON But how's the Basilisk been getting around? A dirty great snake. Someone would have seen... HARRY Hermione answered that too. Harry points. Scribbled, in Hermione's hand, is: "Pipes." RON (aghast) Pipes...? It's using the plumbing. HARRY Remember what Aragog said? About that girl fifty years ago? She died in a bathroom. What if she never left. RON Moaning Myrtle! Harry nods. Just then, McGonagall's VOICE ECHOES throughout the castle, magically magnified. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 111. 124 CONTINUED: (2) 124 PROFESSOR McGONAGALL (V.O.) All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor. Immediately. 125 INT. SECOND FLOOR - CORRIDOR - DUSK (MOMENTS LATER) 125 McGonagall stands before the desecrated wall, surrounded by the rest of the staff. Harry and Ron creep up the stairwell. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL As you can see, the Heir of Slytherin has left another message. Our worst fear has been realized. A student has been taken by the monster. Into the Chamber itself. (as the teachers react) I'm afraid we shall have to send the students home. I'm afraid... this is the end of Hogwarts. GILDEROY LOCKHART (bursting in cheerily) So sorry. Dozed off. What have I missed? SNAPE Just the man. A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last. GILDEROY LOCKHART My m-moment? SNAPE Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is? GILDEROY LOCKHART D-did I? I don't recall... PROFESSOR McGONAGALL That settles it. We'll leave it to you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are legend. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 112. 125 CONTINUED: 125 GILDEROY LOCKHART V-very well. I'll -- I'll be in my office, getting -- getting ready. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL The rest of us should go and inform the students what has happened. PROFESSOR SPROUT Who is it the monster's taken, Minerva? PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Ginny Weasley. Ron's knees give way. As Harry catches him, the staff scatters, revealing what is written on the wall: Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever. 126 INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) 126 Harry and a very upset Ron walk with desperate purpose. RON She knew something, Harry. She'd found out something about the Chamber of Secrets. That's why she was taken. I mean, she was -- is -- a pure-blood. There can't be any other reason. HARRY (pulling him away) C'mon. Let's go see Lockhart. He may be a brainless git, but he's going to try and get into the Chamber. We can tell him what we know... RON Harry. D'you think there's any chance at all she's not, you know -- Harry glances over, studies Ron's tortured eyes. HARRY We'll find her, Ron. Ginny's going to be fine. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 1/28/02 113/114. 126 CONTINUED: 126 Ron nods, smiles shakily, and looks away. As he does, Harry's face changes, looks troubled. Even he doesn't believe what he's just said. 127 OMITTED 127 128 INT. GILDEROY LOCKHART'S OFFICE - NIGHT 128 Harry and Ron DASH inside. HARRY Professor, we've got some information for you -- Harry and Ron stop dead. Lockhart's office is stripped to the shelves. Two LARGE TRUNKS stand open. HARRY Are you going somewhere? GILDEROY LOCKHART Um, well, yes. Urgent call. Unavoidable. Got to go... RON What about my sister? GILDEROY LOCKHART Well, as to that -- most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I -- RON You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher! You can't go now! GILDEROY LOCKHART I must say, when I took the job, nothing in the job description -- (CONTINUED) 115. 128 CONTINUED: 128 HARRY You're running away? After all that stuff you did in your books? GILDEROY LOCKHART Books can be misleading. HARRY You wrote them! GILDEROY LOCKHART My dear boy, do use your common sense. My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done all those things. No one wants to read about some ugly old Armenian warlock, even if he did save a village from werewolves. He'd look dreadful on the front cover. No dress sense at all... HARRY You're a fraud! You've just been taking credit for what a load of other wizards have done! GILDEROY LOCKHART Harry, Harry, Harry. There was work involved. I had to track these people down and ask them exactly how they managed to do what they did. No, it's not all book signings and publicity photos. You want fame, you have to be prepared for a long, hard slog. RON Is there anything you can do? GILDEROY LOCKHART Yes, now that you mention it. I'm rather gifted with Memory Charms. Otherwise, you see, all those wizards would've gone blabbing and I'd never have sold another book. I'm afraid I'll have to do the same to you both, lest you do the same. Lockhart lifts his wand, but Harry is quicker. (CONTINUED) 116. 128 CONTINUED: (2) 128 HARRY Expelliarmus! Lockhart BLASTS backwards, toppling into one of the open trunks, his wand flying across the floor. HARRY Looks like those Dueling Lessons came in handy after all, Professor. 129 OMITTED 129 130 INT. GIRLS' BATHROOM - NIGHT 130 Lockhart walks ahead of Harry and Ron, their wands pointed at him. Moaning Myrtle floats above the cistern. MOANING MYRTLE Who's there? Oh... (smiles, flirty) Hello, Harry. What do you want? HARRY To ask you how you died. MOANING MYRTLE (flattered) Oooooh, it was dreadful. It happened right here. In this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in. HARRY Who was it, Myrtle? MOANING MYRTLE I don't know! I was distraught! But they said something funny. A kind of made-up language. And I realized it was a boy speaking. So I unlocked the door, to tell him to go away, and... I died. HARRY Just like that? How? (CONTINUED) 117. 130 CONTINUED: 130 MOANING MYRTLE No idea. I just remember seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes. Over there... Myrtle points to the bank of sinks. Harry and Ron hurry over, examining the pipes below, the tile above, then... Harry sees it: etched on one of the COPPER TAPS is a TINY SNAKE. HARRY This is it, Ron. This is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. RON Say something, Harry. Say something in Parseltongue. Harry stares off self-consciously at the tiny snake. HARRY Open up. Ron shakes his head. Harry's spoken in his regular voice. RON English. Harry concentrates harder this time, staring so intensely that the snake almost looks alive. When, finally, he speaks, it is more like a HISS. Parseltongue. The circular group of sinks OPEN and a LARGE, OPEN PIPE is exposed. GILDEROY LOCKHART Excellent, Harry. Good work. Well then. I'll just be going. There's no need for me... HARRY Oh, yes there is. You first. Harry points his wand at Lockhart, then the opening. GILDEROY LOCKHART Now, boys. What good will it do? RON A bloody lot of good if it's a two-hundred-foot drop onto jagged rocks. (CONTINUED) 118. 130 CONTINUED: (2) 130 Lockhart steps grimly to the dark, gaping hole. Ron gives him a shove and he topples headfirst and out of sight. They wait. Finally... GILDEROY LOCKHART (O.S.) It's really quite filthy down here. HARRY All right. Let's go. MOANING MYRTLE Oh, Harry... if you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet. HARRY Thanks, Myrtle. Harry turns. Jumps. Seconds later, Ron follows. 131 INT. PIPE - NIGHT 131 Harry and Ron slide wicked fast, in a hair-raising vertical plummet, catching glimpses of other, smaller pipes branching off in all directions, twisting and turning until the pipe levels off, dumps them onto the damp floor of a stone tunnel. 132 INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT 132 Lockhart stares miserably at the muck dripping from his robes. Harry takes a TORCH from the wall, poises his wand. HARRY Lumos! The torch blooms with a BRIGHT ORANGE FLAME. HARRY Remember. Any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away. Harry leads the way down the tunnel. CRUNCH! They look down: a rat's skull. All around them, the ground is littered with TINY SKELETONS. Ron squints, sees something HUGE and CURVED lying ahead. When he speaks, his voice is hollow with dread. (CONTINUED) 119. 132 CONTINUED: 132 RON What's that? Up ahead? GILDEROY LOCKHART That looks like a... snake. Terrified, Lockhart quickly HIDES HIS EYES. HARRY Maybe it's asleep. Ron draws his wand as they approach, squinting. Harry shines his light, revealing... a gigantic COIL of EMPTY SKIN. RON Bloody hell. Whatever shed this must be twenty feet long. Or more. THUD! They turn. Lockhart has passed out. RON Heart of a lion, this one. Ron kneels by him, when... Lockhart's eyes open and, quick as a fox... he snatches Ron's wand and scrambles to his feet. GILDEROY LOCKHART The adventure ends here, boys! But don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl. How you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. I'll even bind a limited edition in this snake skin. Say goodbye to your memories. (raising Ron's wand) Obliviate! Ron's WAND EXPLODES like a small BOMB, BLASTING Lockhart OFF HIS FEET and SPITTING great JETS of FIRE into the rock above. As RUBBLE RAINS, Ron LEAPS one way and Harry the other. Harry sits up, squints through the settling dust. A SOLID WALL of BROKEN ROCK seals the tunnel between him and Ron. INTERCUT Harry and Ron. HARRY Ron? Are you okay? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 2/19/02 120. 132 CONTINUED: (2) 132 RON I'm okay. This git's not, though. He got blasted by my wand. Lockhart sits up, dazed. Ron picks up a rock and CONKS him on the head. Lockhart PASSES OUT. Ron calls to Harry. RON What now? HARRY Wait here. I'll go on. I'll go on and... find Ginny. If I'm not back in an hour... He leaves it there. RON I'll try and shift some of this rock. So you can get back through. And, Harry -- HARRY See you in a bit. Harry glances at the snake skin at his feet, moves off. He steps carefully through the shadows until he reaches a TOWERING STONE WALL, carved with TWIN SERPENTS. HARRY (Parseltongue) Open. The serpents part and the GIANT WALL SLIDES OPEN. Harry removes his wand and ENTERS. 133 INT. CHAMBER OF SECRETS - NIGHT 133 A vast chamber stretches ahead. Along the path are rows of STONE SERPENTS. The serpents rest in pools of black water. Ahead is an enormous STATUE of SALAZAR SLYTHERIN. Several feet in front of the statue, Ginny Weasley lies motionless. As Harry dashes and takes her into his arms, her head lolls to one side, cheeks white as marble. A pale hand clutches TOM RIDDLE'S DIARY to her chest. Harry DROPS the torch, RACES to Ginny, places his wand on the floor and kneels beside her. (BOLD ITALICS INDICATE POSSIBLE FLASHBACKS.) HARRY Ginny! Please don't be dead. Wake up! Wake up! Ginny! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 2/19/02 121. 133 CONTINUED: 133 TOM RIDDLE She won't wake. Harry spins. Tom Riddle stands nearby. He is strangely BLURRED around the edges, as though Harry was looking at him through a misted window. HARRY Tom... Tom Riddle? What d'you mean, she won't wake? She's not... TOM RIDDLE She's still alive. But only just. HARRY Are you a ghost? TOM RIDDLE A memory. Preserved in a diary for fifty years. Harry looks to the diary in Ginny's hand, then places his own hand on Ginny's arm. HARRY She's cold as ice. You've got to help me, Tom. There's a basilisk -- TOM RIDDLE It won't come until it's called. Harry looks up, sees Riddle twirling a wand in his fingers. HARRY Give me my wand, Tom. TOM RIDDLE You won't be needing it. HARRY Listen, we've got to go! We've got to save her! TOM RIDDLE I'm afraid I can't do that, Harry. You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker... I grow stronger. HARRY But she's dying! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 2/19/02 122. 133 CONTINUED: (2) 133 TOM RIDDLE Yes. I'm afraid so. But then, she's been in so much pain, poor Ginny. She's been writing to me for months, telling me all her pitiful worries and woes. Ginny poured her soul out to me. I grew stronger on a diet of her deepest fears, her darkest secrets. I grew powerful enough to start feeding Ginny a few secrets, to start pouring a bit of my soul back into her... Riddle, growing less vaporous by the second, grins cruelly. TOM RIDDLE Yes, Harry, it was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets. HARRY No... she couldn't -- she wouldn't. TOM RIDDLE It was Ginny who set the Basilisk on the Mudbloods and the Squib's cat. Ginny who wrote threatening messages on the walls. HARRY But... Why?... TOM RIDDLE Because I told her to. You'll find that I can be very persuasive. Not that she knew what she was doing. She was, shall we say, in a kind of trance. Still, the power of the diary began to scare her and she tried to dispose of it in the girls' bathroom. But then, who should find it... but you. The very person I was most anxious to meet. HARRY (getting angry) And why did you want to meet me? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 2/19/02 123. 133 CONTINUED: (3) 133 TOM RIDDLE Ginny told me all about you. I knew I had to talk to you, meet you if I could. So I decided to show you my capture of that brainless oaf, Hagrid, to gain your trust. HARRY Hagrid's my friend. And you framed him, didn't you? TOM RIDDLE It was my word against Hagrid's. Only Dumbledore seemed to think Hagrid was innocent. HARRY I'll bet Dumbledore saw right through you. TOM RIDDLE I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the Chamber again while I was still at school. So I decided to leave behind a diary, preserving my sixteen-year-old self in its pages, so that one day... I would be able to lead another to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work. HARRY Well, you haven't finished it this time. In a few hours Mandrake Draught will be ready and everyone who was petrified will be all right again. TOM RIDDLE Haven't I told you, that killing Mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore? For many months now, my new target has been... you. (grinning) Imagine my disappointment when I learned Ginny had stolen the diary back from you. HARRY Ginny stole the diary from my room? But why? (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 2/19/02 124. 133 CONTINUED: (4) 133 TOM RIDDLE She was afraid. Afraid you'd learn how to work the diary. Afraid I'd tell you just who it was that had been strangling all those roosters. Horrified, Harry glances at Ginny, growing more PALE, then back to Riddle, who is growing more SOLID. TOM RIDDLE Come now, Harry. Don't look so disappointed. Had Ginny succeeded in destroying the diary, she would have destroyed me. And we couldn't be having this little talk. And I have so many questions for you. HARRY Like what? TOM RIDDLE Well, how is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent managed to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you escape with nothing but a scar, while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed? HARRY Why do you care how I escaped? Voldemort was after your time. TOM RIDDLE Voldemort is my past, present and future. Riddle pulls Harry's wand from his pocket and begins to trace it through the air, writing three words: "TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE." Then, with a wave, he re-arranges them: "I AM LORD VOLDEMORT." HARRY You. You're the heir of Slytherin. You're Voldemort? TOM RIDDLE Surely you didn't think I would keep my filthy Muggle father's name? (MORE) (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 2/19/02 125. 133 CONTINUED: (5) 133 TOM RIDDLE (CONT'D) No, I fashioned myself a new name, a name I knew wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak, when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world. HARRY Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world! TOM RIDDLE Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me. HARRY He'll never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him! Suddenly, MUSIC... EERIE and UNEARTHLY... ECHOES deep within the chamber and a small, swift SHADOW ribbons over the rock. Flying from above is FAWKES, the Phoenix. The bird SWOOPS into the chamber, clutching a RAGGED BUNDLE in its golden talons. HARRY Fawkes. Fawkes flies toward Harry, drops the ragged bundle, which is the SORTING HAT, at his feet. Riddle picks it up. TOM RIDDLE (giggling) This is what Dumbledore sends his defender! A songbird and an old hat! Riddle tosses aside the hat. He turns to the statue of Salazar Slytherin and speaks in Parseltongue. TOM RIDDLE (Parseltongue) Speak to me, Slytherin. Suddenly, the stone face's MOUTH OPENS. There is a RUMBLING SOUND, followed by the sound of SLITHERING. Harry turns away. The Basilisk, A GIANT SERPENT, spills out, uncoiling heavily to the floor. Harry turns to the wall. The shadow of the serpent is visible on the wall. PAN TO Tom Riddle, looking at Harry. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 2/21/02 126. 133 CONTINUED: (6) 133 TOM RIDDLE Let's match the powers of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Harry Potter, shall we? Riddle turns, to serpent, speaking in Parseltongue. TOM RIDDLE (Parseltongue) Kill him! The HISSING SERPENT shoots forward. Harry turns, RUNS away. TOM RIDDLE Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter. The Basilisk only obeys me. HARRY (to himself) Don't look. Don't look into its eyes. Harry RACES along the stone path, but the giant serpent is FASTER. Harry TRIPS. FALLS. The Basilisk RISES. Harry looks to the wall, sees the serpent about to strike. Suddenly FAWKES SCREECHES, soaring toward the Basilisk and circling its blunt head, confusing it. The SNAKE SNAPS furiously, when... Fawkes drops like a knife, driving its talons deep into the serpent's glittering eyes. As Harry watches the angry play of shadows on the wall, the BASILISK ROARS, HISSING in pain. Fawkes wings away, its talons dripping with blood and Harry turns, LOOKS: the Basilisk's eyes are a blind, bloody mess. TOM RIDDLE Fool! Think you're safe! It can still hear you! As Harry flees, the serpent thunders after, STRIKING BLINDLY as its whipping tail SHATTERS a Slytherin STATUE. Harry dodges and ducks, then, seeing the snake about to strike again... LEAPS CLEAR, stumbling toward a SIDE TUNNEL. 133A INT. CHAMBER OF SECRETS - SIDE TUNNEL - NIGHT 133A Harry RACES HEADLONG into the shadows, then looks back, sees the snake eclipse the light at the far end of the tunnel and SLITHER QUICKLY inside. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 2/19/02 126A. 133A CONTINUED: 133A Thinking, Harry DUCKS INTO AN ALCOVE, puts his hand over his mouth and waits, desperate to remain STILL and SILENT. The snake slides heavily by, then... SLOWS. TURNS BACK. The snake's head weaves inside, only INCHES from Harry's face. Harry trembles as the snake's head cocks to the side, then... finally... WITHDRAWS. 133B INT. CHAMBER OF SECRETS - NIGHT 133B Harry DASHES back into the main chamber. Ginny looks frighteningly pale. Riddle GRINS cruelly, almost SOLID now. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 127. 133B CONTINUED: 133B TOM RIDDLE Yes, Potter. The process is nearly complete. In a few minutes, Ginny Weasley will be dead. And I will cease to be a memory. Lord Voldemort will return. Very much... alive. Harry moves toward Ginny, then suddenly... the BASILISK SHOOTS OUT of the TUNNEL, HISSING directly in front of Harry. Trapped, Harry glances around, then -- impulsively -- LEAPS upward, begins to scale the statue of Salazar Slytherin. The serpent strikes madly, but Harry continues on, CLIMBING BOLDLY until he reaches the top. He turns. Sees the Sorting Hat. Sees what glitters within: the RUBY HANDLE of a SWORD. Harry WHEELS, sword in hand, and fends off the slashing serpent like St. George and the dragon. In a mad rush of courage, he PITCHES HIMSELF onto the serpent, SLIDES DOWN its back and rolls up, SWORD RAISED. Too tired to flee, Harry simply waits. The serpent rises and, FANGS BARED... STRIKES. Marshalling every ounce of strength left to him, Harry drives the sword upward, deep into the roof of the SERPENT'S mouth. It HISSES in PAIN, thrashing MADLY as it drives a FANG into Harry's arm. Harry clutches his arm in agony, stumbles back and falls to the floor, watching as the serpent THRASHES briefly... then goes STILL. Harry peers down, sees the FANG that pierces his arm, the blood soaking slowly into his robe. As he yanks the fang free, Riddle steps forward, almost fully whole now. His eyes shine at the sight of Harry's wound. TOM RIDDLE Remarkable, isn't it? How quickly the venom of the Basilisk penetrates the body? If you have any final words, Potter, you'd best speak them now. I'd guess you have little more than a minute to live. Harry blinks heavily, watching as the skin of his forearm turns a troubling gray. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 127A. 133B CONTINUED: (1A) 133B TOM RIDDLE So ends the famous Harry Potter. On his knees in the Chamber of Secrets. Defeated at last by the Dark Lord he so unwisely challenged. You'll be back with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry... As Riddle talks, Harry glances at Ginny, nearly white now, a small ghost, the only evidence of life the TREMBLING OF A SINGLE FINGER. Harry studies the finger and what lies beneath it: Tom Riddle's diary. Harry begins to crawl toward her. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/16/02 128. 133B CONTINUED: (2) 133B TOM RIDDLE Funny, isn't it? The damage a silly little book can do? Especially in the hands of a silly little girl. As Harry reaches Ginny, he places his hand on hers, then... slips the diary free. TOM RIDDLE What are you doing? No. Stop... Riddle's face creases in fear. He LUNGES FORWARD. But Harry is too quick. Raising his hand high... he PLUNGES THE FANG into the book. Instantly, BLACK INK SPURTS from the pages. TOM RIDDLE No! Riddle SHRIEKS, writhing in pain. His body begins to wither instantly, growing BLURRY once more. As the ink runs off Harry's fingers to the floor, Riddle VANISHES altogether. Harry sinks back, then... hears a FAINT MOAN. Ginny STIRS, color blooming in her cheeks. As she sees Harry, she SOBS. GINNY Harry. It was me! But I swear, I didn't mean to... Riddle made me. He wrote to me... took me over... I didn't even know whose diary it was. I found it inside my cauldron. The day we all went to Diagon Alley and... Harry. You're hurt... HARRY Ginny. You need to get yourself out... Follow the chamber... You'll find Ron... There is a RUSH OF WINGS and Fawkes circles down, lays his head onto Harry's arm. HARRY You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just... wasn't quick enough. Then Harry blinks, looks down. Thick pearly TEARS are trickling down Fawkes' face and onto his arm. Almost instantly, his wound... begins to heal itself. (CONTINUED) 129. 133B CONTINUED: (3) 133B HARRY Of course. Dumbledore told me. Phoenix tears have healing powers. (looking up at Ginny) It's all right, Ginny. It's over. It's just a memory... 134 INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT (LATER) 134 With Fawkes gliding gracefully ahead of them, Harry and Ginny make their way back. Up ahead, SHIFTING ROCK can be heard and a jagged fissure of LIGHT GLIMMERS. Ron's face appears. RON Ginny! Ron wriggles through, rushes forward and hugs Ginny. RON You're alive. I can't believe it. GINNY I'm going to be expelled, I just know it! RON (to Harry) Remind you of anyone? HARRY Where's Lockhart? Harry eyes Lockhart, sitting by himself, HUMMING placidly. RON His Memory Charm backfired. Hasn't got a clue who he is. I keep having to stop him wandering off. He's a danger to himself. GILDEROY LOCKHART Hello. Odd sort of place, this, isn't it? Do you live here? RON No. Ron turns, raises his eyebrows at Harry. Harry looks upward. There is an opening, hundreds of feet up. Just then, Fawkes circles back, fluttering in front of Harry. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/16/02 130. 134 CONTINUED: 134 RON What's with the bird? HARRY I think... I think he's telling me he can take us out of here. 134A INT. ROCKY TUNNEL - NIGHT (LATER) 134A A CURIOUS, GLIDING SHADOW RIPPLES across the cavernous wall, and then Harry, Ron, Ginny and Lockhart soar out of the darkness, linked hand in hand. Fawkes is flying them home. GILDEROY LOCKHART Amazing! This is just like magic! 134B OMITTED 134B 135 INT. DUMBLEDORE'S OFFICE - DAY 135 Harry and Ron, covered in muck and slime -- stand in Dumbledore's office. Fawkes perches on a pedestal behind Dumbledore, who sits at his desk, examining the charred diary. He looks up, regarding Harry and Ron gravely. DUMBLEDORE Ingenious. Simply... ingenious. (looking up) Of course, Tom Riddle was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen. I taught him myself fifty years ago. After he left, I would occasionally hear stories of his activities -- dark rumors -- but after awhile, even the rumors stopped. When he finally resurfaced as Lord Voldemort, most people had completely forgotten the clever Head Boy he'd once been. GINNY I didn't know whose diary it was, sir. I swear. I found it inside my cauldron. (to the others) The day we all went to Diagon Alley. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/17/02 131. 135 CONTINUED: 135 Hearing this, Harry frowns in thought, recollecting... GINNY But I understand if... given all the trouble I've caused... if you -- DUMBLEDORE Wiser wizards than you have been hoodwinked by Lord Voldemort, Miss Weasley. No, I think you've endured enough. I would suggest a bit of bed rest, however. And perhaps a large mug of hot chocolate. I always find that cheers me up. Minerva, will you show Arthur and Molly up to the hospital wing? PROFESSOR McGONAGALL Certainly, Albus. As they exit, Harry and Ron watch them go. Mrs. Weasley's VOICE carries: MRS. WEASLEY A diary that writes back to you! Honestly, Ginny! What were you thinking? Haven't I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain! Harry and Ron turn back. See Dumbledore regarding them gravely. DUMBLEDORE You two realize, of course, that in the last few hours, you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules? HARRY/RON Yes, sir. DUMBLEDORE And that there is sufficient evidence to expel you both? HARRY/RON Yes, sir. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/17/02 131A. 135 CONTINUED: (1A) 135 DUMBLEDORE Therefore, it seems only fitting... (eyes twinkling) That you both receive Special Awards for Services to the School. And -- let me see -- yes, I think two hundred points apiece, which, I believe, should be more than enough to secure Gryffindor the House Cup. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/16/02 132. 135 CONTINUED: (2) 135 HARRY/RON (grinning) Thank you, sir. DUMBLEDORE Now, Mr. Weasley, if you would, have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban. We need our gamekeeper back. Ron nods, takes the envelope and exits. DUMBLEDORE First, Harry, I want to thank you. You must have shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber. Nothing but that could have called Fawkes to you. Secondly, I sense you're troubled by something. Am I right? HARRY It's just, you see, sir, I couldn't help noticing certain things. Certain similarities. Between Tom Riddle and me. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 133. 135 CONTINUED: (3) 135 DUMBLEDORE You can speak Parseltongue, Harry, because Lord Voldemort can speak Parseltongue. Unless I'm much mistaken, he transformed some of his own powers to you the night he gave you that scar. HARRY Voldemort put a bit of himself in me? DUMBLEDORE Not intentionally, but... yes. HARRY So the Sorting Hat was right. I should be a Slytherin. DUMBLEDORE It's true, Harry. You do possess many of the qualities Voldemort himself prizes. Resourcefulness. Determination. A certain disregard for the rules. Yet the Sorting Hat placed you in Gryffindor. HARRY Only because I asked it to. DUMBLEDORE Exactly. Which makes you very different from Voldemort. It's not our abilities that show what we truly are, Harry. It's our choices. (smiling at him) If you want proof that you belong in Gryffindor, Harry, I suggest you look more closely at this. Dumbledore hands the bloodstained sword to Harry. An ENGRAVED NAME glimmers above the ruby-encrusted hilt. HARRY 'Godric Gryffindor.' DUMBLEDORE Only a true Gryffindor could have pulled that out of the Hat. THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 134. 135 CONTINUED: (4) 135 Suddenly, Lucius Malfoy enters, dragging... Dobby by the ear. HARRY Dobby! This is your Master? The family you serve is the Malfoys! Dobby nods, chagrined. Lucius Malfoy brushes past Harry. LUCIUS MALFOY Out of my way, Potter. (to Dumbledore) So! You've returned! DUMBLEDORE Yes. When the governors heard that Arthur Weasley's daughter had been taken into the Chamber, they saw fit to summon me back. (a wry smile) Curiously, several of them seemed under the impression that you would curse their families if they didn't agree to suspend me in the first place, Lucius. LUCIUS MALFOY From the beginning, my only concern has been the welfare of this school and its students. I assume the culprit has been identified. DUMBLEDORE Oh yes. It was Voldemort. Only this time, he chose to act through someone else. By means of... this. As Dumbledore nudges the diary toward Lucius Malfoy, Harry sees Dobby nod meaningfully from the diary to Lucius. DUMBLEDORE Fortunately, our young Mr. Potter discovered it. (a chill to his voice) One only hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort's old school things find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible could be... severe. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 3/1/02 135. 135 CONTINUED: (5) 135 Lucius Malfoy stares icily at Dumbledore, then turns away. LUCIUS MALFOY Come, Dobby. We're leaving. As Dobby scuttles toward the door, Lucius Malfoy KICKS HIM through it, then exits himself. Harry stares at the empty doorway as DOBBY'S PAINFUL SQUEALS ECHO from the corridor. HARRY Sir? I wonder if I could have that. Dumbledore looks up, follows Harry's eyes to the diary. 135A EXT. DUMBLEDORE'S OFFICE - DAY (MOMENTS LATER) 135A As the elevator opens, Harry dashes out. HARRY Mr. Malfoy! I have something of yours. Harry comes up running, thrusts the diary into Malfoy's hand. LUCIUS MALFOY Mine? I don't know what you're talking about. HARRY I think you do, sir. I think you slipped it into Ginny Weasley's cauldron that day in Diagon Alley. Malfoy shoves the diary into Dobby's face, then leans close to Harry and, with a nasty grin, WHISPERS: LUCIUS MALFOY Prove it! He turns away. As Dobby looks sadly back, clutching the diary in his hand, Harry mouths the words: Open it. Dobby looks down curiously. Inside... is a SOCK. He GASPS. LUCIOUS MALFOY Dobby! Dobby, come! (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/3/02 136. 135A CONTINUED: 135A DOBBY (in wonderment) Master has given Dobby a sock. Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is... free! LUCIUS MALFOY What? I didn't -- He wheels, sees Harry standing with one leg crossed: His right ankle is bare. Instantly, Malfoy charges forth. LUCIUS MALFOY You've lost me my servant! DOBBY You shall not harm Harry Potter! Dobby steps between and -- BANG! Malfoy flies backwards, lands in a crumpled heap. Rising, he stares murderously at Harry. LUCIUS MALFOY Mark my words, Harry Potter. You'll meet the same sticky end as your parents one of these days. They were meddlesome fools too. With that, he turns, storms off. DOBBY Harry Potter freed Dobby! How can Dobby ever repay him? HARRY Just promise me something. DOBBY Anything, sir. HARRY Never try to save my life again. Dobby grins then and -- CRACK! -- is gone. 136 OMITTED 136 137 INT. GREAT HALL - NIGHT 137 Fear and suspicion banished, the House tables abuzz with excitement and anticipation... all except the Slytherins, who do not share the general feeling. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/3/02 137. 137 CONTINUED: 137 Seated at the tables, are the formerly petrified, revived students. Justin Finch-Fletchley joins his fellow Hufflepuffs. Colin Creevey SNAPS photos of the proceedings. At the rear of the hall, standing near the entrance, Filch is reunited with Mrs. Norris. Then... Hermione enters, searching the room for Harry and Ron. Finally, she sees them. Smiles. Runs forward and embraces Harry. HERMIONE You solved it! You solved it! HARRY With loads of help from you. She turns to embrace Ron. They pause, an awkward moment between them and... shake hands instead. RON Welcome back, Hermione. McGonagall taps her goblet. Dumbledore stands. DUMBLEDORE Before we begin our feast, let's give a round of applause to Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake Juice has been successfully administered to all those who had been petrified. Everyone applauds. DUMBLEDORE Also, in the wake of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled. Everyone cheers, save for Hermione. HERMIONE Oh, no! At the rear of the Hall, the great doors OPEN. It's Hagrid. He enters. Stops. Looks around. The room falls SILENT. All eyes upon him. He glances around. Nervous. Embarrassed. HAGRID Sorry I'm late. The owl deliverin' my release papers got all lost 'n confused. Some ruddy bird named Errol. (CONTINUED) THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - Rev. 4/3/02 138. 137 CONTINUED: (2) 137 Ron exchanges a nervous glance with Dumbledore. Hagrid looks at all of the faces staring at him. He turns to Harry. HAGRID I jus' want to say... that if it wasn't fer' you, Harry... you an' Ron... and Hermione... Well, I jus' want to say... Thanks. HARRY There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE TO CRANE BACK... BACK... TO a WIDE SHOT OF HOGWARTS... glittering gloriously in the night. FADE TO BLACK. THE END
quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011
Harry Potter e a Câmara Secreta - Roteiro Original
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